Australian system of education

Education is one such concept that opens the vistas of mind of an individual. Systems of education might differ from one country to the other country but the goals remain the same. On my recent visit to Australia, I discovered that school education there focuses not only on completing the last year i.e; Year 12 obtaining knowledge and perfection in the choice streams but also takes into consideration the higher education or college education.The targets of school education are not confined to the boundaries of school but go beyond to give a direction to the students to exploit their potential to the optimum. Using technology in the form of smart boards and projectors,use of teaching aids and projects,make the teaching faculty well-equipped to teach the learners with all their enthusiasm.Even the government schools are equipped with sufficient number of laptops which the students use during their school hours.
The different states have their own educational system and have developed own curriculum.There are two types of schools one the government schools and the other private schools. In government schools there are open and selective schools. In open schools there is no screening or admission criterion but selective schools (which are more in demand) may adopt to some screening.The private schools are divided into two categories one independent schools and the other catholic schools.Even the private schools are divided into the Roman Catholic schools managed by Christians and the secular schools managed by the other  groups and there are some schools run by minority groups like Muslims and others. The ratio of government and private school is approximately 70:30. But it differs in different states of Australia.It will be different in Queensland or Victoria or New South Wales depending upon the choice of people.Of course, a few private schools are funded by government, but all Catholic schools receive grant from the government.Secondary schools that have classes from Year 7 to 12, follow different curriculum in different states but the same curriculum is adopted across a particular state irrespective the category of schools.Here the state department of education is main authority and are very strict and particular in proper implementation of the school programmes.The would be teachers have to obtain approved degree/diploma and get self registered with the education department (As the doctors get registered themselves in our country before the can practice).Any one who is not registered can not be engaged as a teacher in any of the schools The Australian government is working towards reaching a national curriculum but at present Victoria curriculum is considered to be the best.Another important aspect of their system is that the government and private schools are almost at par and most of the people want their wards to go to government schools though there is some drift towards private schools in the recent past..
A few systems are quite parallel to Indian systems ,like up to Year 8, the students study wide and varied fields including music,food technology,drama,media and many other co-scholastic fields presenting opportunities to create a stimulating learning environment.In Year 9 & 10,these subjects are reduced directing the focus of students towards their ultimate goal,preparing them for their choice of stream in the last two years i.e; Year 11& 12.One concept which I really was impressed with is, the 'Accelerated Learning Programme' in which a student is allowed to to the next difficult level of the subject within the same session.It gives immense amount of motivation to the learners to be a part of this programme as it gives them an opportunity to prove their mettle in a particular course.Moreover,there are points added for the same at the time of admission into a college.
Along with the dedicated and enthusiastic teachers quite interestingly the schools barely of the strength of 800 to 1000 students, though there were few with a strength of 1400 students.The strength of each section is not more than 24 which seems to be the optimum.,Most of the schools are administered by one principal,three deputy principals and three assistant principals.To share the administration ,academic and welfare part of students,they are committed to their mission and each one of them cater to the demands of a situation.The teaching faculty is equally committed to the profession and with the use of technology are able to innovate and teach. Remote Labs keep functioning even when there is no access to the actual site labs.Hence, the students can manoeuvre gadgets and equipments sitting at one computer.
As regards college education, most of the students venture into the graduation courses and not necessarily technical courses but the Feeder Institutions facilitate the students for admission, training and degree at all levels.If one does well at a particular level,he/she becomes eligible for the second year of college.These Feeder Institutions prepare the candidates in a manner that they develop competence in their field and find it  less challenging to complete their courses and earn degrees.In totality, along with education the country is able to produce competent and successful citizens.Everything seems so good in other countries but here I certainly would stress on the fact that people of our country are more laborious and dedicated. Be it physical or mental labour,we are able to sustain ourselves in all odds and come out to be successful in all our  endeavours.Salute to all Indians!


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