Dual role of a teacher in the school

Everyone is aware of the changes happening in our society which is not a new phenomenon but the pace of changes nowadays is really fast.  People move from their native place to some other location and the children also accompany them. This may be due to the transfer of the parents or better business facility elsewhere.Earlier if a person joined some company or other organisation he/she used to retire from there only but now even the change of the jobs take place very frequently. In this transition, the parents adjust to the new situation within no time, but the children may not be able to do so easily because they are very possessive about their teachers and the friends whom they are forced to leave due to the reasons not known to them.Though the parents want to do everything possible for their children but due to the lack of time on their part they are  unable to fill the space which is meant for the parents in the life of the children.The parents get busy in their new life  and the children are admitted to some new school where they meet new teachers, new students and step into an entirely different environment . In this situation the most important role can be played by the teachers of the new school in making such children adjust well and feel comfortable.
The teachers will have to play dual role, that of a teacher and also that of a parent who can understand and help the children. As mentioned before, most of the parents spend money for the children but very little time due to their own problems and constraints.There are some children who share their problems and the difficulties faced by them to the teachers but many of them are not that confident to approach the teachers and suffer in silence.Here the teachers also must be watchful and take care of such children who remain quiet and start getting alienated from rest of the group. The teachers must look after them as they look after their own children at home and counsel them as and when required. Some may consider it to be good that the children are exposed to different environment which helps them to adjust well in any situation. This is true, but if the teachers do not support them and provide parental care then the children might suffer and this may not be good for them.
The role of the teacher was almost the same in the past also but the time has changed and now  most of the children are under pressure of studies and of doing well in every field. That is why teachers have got to be more close to them to fill the space created by the absence of the parents in the life of the children.Many children have shared it with the teachers that they are being forced to do something by their parents which they are not at all interested in. Everyone should understand that if the child is not happy, then the very purpose of doing anything for them is lost.The teachers must act as the mentors, parents and the friends of the child and if done so, then they will be able to contribute in the life of the child more significantly and give to the parents and the society a happy and confident human being.I should not be misunderstood here that the role of the parent is being undermined but because of the lack of time on their part, the teachers will have to play an active role and this is applicable to all the children and not only to the ones shifting from one school to another one. I was forced to write this because of the story of a child who shared it with one of the teachers that his mother never gets up in time to prepare breakfast for him because she comes late in the night and is not able to get early in the morning .The teacher came to know that the child was not bringing any thing from home and was getting weak over a period of time. The other child who lost her mother in an accident was in a state of shock and this was a caring teacher only who could take care of her not only as a  teacher, but also by treating the child as her own daughter.
I shall take liberty of mentioning about another such teacher of the school who teaches in the pre primary class and is liked by her kids more than their parents. It has been observed that if the children meet her in any function the children love to be with her and not with the parents. This is the role which I have been talking about.In the class of the same teacher, one day  a child was not feeling well. Though she took a complete care of the child but when the child reached home the mother of the child in order to update,tried to contact the teacher. The teacher could not attend to the call  because of some reason and when she saw the missed call of the mother of the same child who had minor health problem in the class, she got worried. She thought, if there was something wrong with the wellness of the child. She tried the number of the mother several times but there was no response and as it was raining and the child was staying far away from her home so she could not approach her.She was really worried and kept trying till she came to know that the child was in good health. Then she sent a message to the head of the institute " Sir, my child is fine." The Principal felt very happy because the words used by her(my child) were so touching that he was overwhelmed. The principal of the school considers himself fortunate to be working in the company of such wonderful teachers and salutes them.
I am sure the true example mentioned above will make my concern clear enough to all the teachers and they will understand their dual role in today`s world.


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