Teacher as a counsellor

On this day of Guru Purnima  when many people are wishing their teachers and convey their gratitude, I also join them to convey my sincere gratitude for what all Gurus have done for  me  and many other children of the country who are now contributing to nation building.This article is dedicated to all the Gurus and also to the ones who will be working for this noble cause in future.
Everyone in the society is trying to attain happiness by different means and ways. Some people feel they will be happy if they earn a lot of money and others are seeking happiness in the power and the prestige. For a teacher there is no bigger happiness then seeing his/her students doing well in life.Though the things are changing little bit now but the teachers cannot afford to seek happiness anywhere else but in the progress and well being of their students.A real teacher was always respected,is being respected and will be respected in future also, so we as teachers should stop complaining for certain problems being faced by us due to the change in the attitude of the society.Osho wrote about a teacher who goes to the class and repeats the same sentence every day asking the children to pay attention to him or ask them to concentrate and should not get distracted.In the same class there is a child who is very attentive and at the same time concentrating on the chirruping sound of the birds outside the class.Then how can the teacher ask him to pay attention when the child is doing the same? Osho says that the child is attentive but the teacher is the one who is disturbing him. The question raised by Osho is why is the child impressed by the bird and not by the teacher?The bird is not asking the child to pay attention towards her but there is sweet and attractive sound which  influences the child .Should we teachers not ask this question to ourselves on this day when all are paying their respect towards this noble profession?
The important issue raised here is that a teacher is not only to be the source of the knowledge of subjects but has to play much more important role in the life of the children.That teacher will be called a real teacher for whom the students are eagerly waiting to welcome him/her in the class and at other place as well.If it is so then no teacher would require to repeat the sentence which I mentioned above. The teacher should understand the child`s mind and act accordingly. The teachers do not necessarily have to obtain the degree in child psychology because they learn(if they really are willing to learn) from their students so much that they do not need any other teacher for the same.A child can not learn in the class if he/she is not interested to learn and this is the responsibility of the teachers to create that interest.The teachers can prove to be very effective counsellors for the children who face some problems in their day to day life. My experience is that at times the teachers prove to be better counsellors than anybody else because they have the first hand knowledge about the child and his family and friends.The other person will always first try to understand so much about the child and at times may not get the correct information and there is a possibility that the solution given by that person may not work.It should not be understood  that the role of the counsellors is not important but what I mean here is that if the teacher  really enjoys being with his/her students and vice verse and the teacher and the student seek happiness in the company of each other, then the teacher would prove to be a very effective counsellor.
The teachers plays a very important role in the life of the children and recent research done by the scientists in Britain proves that the children get influenced most by their teachers,parents and the peer group than by so called celebrities.So the teachers should realise this responsibility also and should not resort to sending the children to the counsellors of the school or outside, until and unless they find it absolutely necessary because when the teacher tackles a child`s problem  it is known to him/her only but when he/she passes on the responsibility to somebody else then the faith of a child in the teacher is lost and he feels disturbed because he/she considers himself/herself to be having some unusual problem that is why is being referred to somebody else. The teachers are expected to be the mentor and guide of the children and they cannot be one until they are able to help the children in their problems which might be termed as psychological because of any reasons.


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