Understand the pain of the children

The problems being faced by today`s children have been disturbing, but all find themselves in a situation of helplessness.I have known many parents who have sacrificed their own career in the name of making the future of their children.To be concerned for the children is the paramount responsibility of the parent but too much of interference in their life is not good and this has been happening in the name of making the future of the child secure. Some may not agree but the facts cannot be denied.If you have wish to confirm, then meet the children of the age group 10 to 16 years and you will realise the stress and the pressure they are going through.There are many children who do not express their problems and bear the same for the sake of making their parents and family members feel happy and in the process forget to live their childhood.Those who try to express are snubbed by the elders as they do not want the name of the family to be spoiled because of the reason that their child was not capable of doing something great in the life.
There are examples where the elders make the children to agree to some particular course of study(though the child is not at all willing to) and when he/she is not able to cope up with the pressure and conveys the same to the parents the parents accuse him/her that it was their fault because they chose the course (though the course was indirectly forced upon the child.)
Many examples can be cited where the children were forced to do something against their will and aptitude. One student told me that when she wanted to opt for a particular combination of subjects her parents said that nobody had done that in their family and if she was allowed to do that all including the grandmother will feel bad.That innocent child had to submit to the respect and reputation of the family. When the children take the subjects they are not able to understand then the coaching or tutors are made available (again in most of the cases against the will of the child) and the problem in spite of getting solve gets aggravated because the children are not able to manage both, the school and the coaching center. There are many students asking the teachers and counsellors how to cope up with the demand of attending the school and coaching center and doing the work of the both? Many children shared that they do not get time to eat properly and are not able to have enough sleep. On one hand they have the book and in the other hand, the bite of the food to be swallowed(not really to be eaten). In other cases, it is the mother who is is putting the bite in the mouth of the child because the child is solving some problem and both the hands are occupied.These are not the hypothetical cases but the real ones. If you have a doubt then sit with a child and try to understand the problem with open mind. If the children are given an opportunity they will definitely come out with the truth and share with you the pain they are going through. I would like to caution all that this is true in those cases only where the children have not been allowed to choose the subjects that they wish to opt for and not the other fortunate ones who were encouraged by their parents to do the course of their choice.
All must understand that in today`s time no subject or subject combination is good or bad but depends upon how good an individual is in that field. The parents and teachers must realise this and help those children who by chance have opted for subjects in which they were not really interested. In our country the education system is slightly rigid, hence these children do not have an option of changing the subjects so easily, so adults must help them to manage their time and if possible avoid forcing them to go for tuition etc.Let the children grow and flourish in a natural manner,in their field of interest,by giving them an opportunity to choose their stream of aptitude, rather than curbing theirs and imposing your own desires.


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