Tolerance becoming intolerant

This topic was discussed before also though in a different context but the incident which took place a few days ago in an educated and respected family of Jodhpur city( which is considered the cultural capital of the state) has disturbed everyone and forcing them to think about the negativity and intolerant human nature.This is not an isolated incident rather has become very common particularly in bigger cities.If it (intolerance) is allowed to grow at such a rapid pace then there will be no system in place and all relationships will be in danger.The major repercussion is that nobody is helped in this situation and the whole family and the fabric of the society is at stake.Now the question that arises is, why is it happening and what can be done to control this? There are many reasons for the same and one of them is the lack of understanding each other and the second is that people have become more self centered. The slogan given by the government "Hum do hamare do", was in the context of controling the population. I think the slogan has been interpreted in a manner that one has to cater for the four people and not for others in the family and the society.We do not know the real cause behind this very unfortunate incident that took place recently but this has definitely ruined the future of a good family. What was done by the person involved must have been done in the fit of anger because such things are not usually planned. We also do not know the kind of relationship the family members had but one thing is for sure that there was lack of understanding and lack of tolerance. Impatience and intolerance in basic human nature and issues bloated out of proportion are the  causes of any such incident.
This is not happening in the families only but small children are being affected by that in the schools also. The bullying and the use of foul language is increasing day by day. Bullying is not always physical but even the mental and psychological bullying disturbs them negatively.The children who are not able to react, bear it without telling anyone, but this has a negative impact on the mind of the child and it may come out any time in future when he/she finds an opportunity to be more powerful than the other one.As I always feel that schools can play a very important role in teaching the children lessons of tolerance,benevolence and forbearance. Though the task is difficult but if the parents support the school then it can be accomplished very easily.The teachers and the parents should be the role models for the children and should not react or lose temper in their presence.This problem started 30-40 years back in other countries but is now our country is also hit seriously by the same.Rightly said by somebody that prevention is better than cure then why we should not try to prevent it at school level where the children are taught the lessons of life.The teachers can help by being considerate towards all the children and not only the ones who are doing well. Sometimes the children who are found not behaving well are either ignored or some very negative remarks are passed which make the child behave in a negative manner. A suggestion for the teachers here, that if they find a child involved in doing something wrong then their prime motive should be to correct and improve the child with positive mind and not to really punish the child.If the child has done something with which the teacher is not happy then also he/she should not react in a negative manner. I know this might be a difficult thing to do for some teachers but remember, if the teachers in the school and the parents at home will not have tolerance then why and how can you expect the same from the child?
The parents are advised not to react for small deeds of wrong done by the child that he might at times share with them. There are many examples where the child told something at home which might have been unpleasant in the school and as the father had come from the office and had stress starts shouting and saying certain things which should not be spoken in the presence of the child because the child is going to learn the same .So if we as parents and teacher have patience and tolerance the children will definitely be learning the same.Some parents and teachers are so impulsive that they do not even analyse the situation and react. The reaction out of frustration would always produce negative result and create more problems.This race of getting more is also contributing to this problem frustration and intolerance.
One more issue which should be taken care of seriously is that the boys and girls should be taught  to adjust well in the family. In the past, the boys were treated differently and the girls were the ones who were considered to keep the family one after the marriage. Now as the girls are also being brought up in a liberal environment same as the boys, hence the boys will also have to learn how to adjust in this new age and changing world. Everyone has personal ambitions and wishes but the responsibility towards the family and the society should not be forgotten.The girls should also not forget their role and should be very proud of being what they are than try to emanate the boys.
In the end, a request to all concerned, that the children should not be turned into machines to perform and achieve everything as per our expectations; but they should be treated as individuals to manifest the potential within them. As is said,"Take care of small things and the big things will fall into place".


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