Daily routine of the students of classes XI/XII

I had shared with you all the pain and the difficulties of the children of the higher classes in the schools specially the ones who have opted for science stream and want to become engineers, doctors, lawyers or charted accountants either because of their own interest or to fulfill the wishes of their parents. Given an opportunity, these children do share their problems with adults, specially the teachers and family members other than the parents, because parents tend to ignore this particular problem, though otherwise they are very concerned about the well being of the children.Those children who are able to take the pressure of managing two centers which are helping them in shaping-up their future or securing it, are not complaining much, but this number is very less.The other group which is in majority finds it very difficult to manage at both the places.The parents know it well, but either it is the societal pressure or their own unfulfilled desires which make them blindfolded towards the suffering of their children for two years and for majority of them, even after that . Now a days, this system has started as early as in class IX also.The children have been questioning me and I am sure the other teachers as well about why are they being pushed to do all this? They at times even ask, why not their parents should be made to realise their sufferings.I agree with the children and would like to do the same but never assure them that our talking will make much of difference to their life because most of the parents are well educated and well aware of the problem.But one thing should be understood by all that schooling is very important and that has been explained so well by so many people because schooling is not only to make the child learn a few subjects but many more things which help the child to be creative and be a thinker.
 When we talk of creativity, that can not happen till the child has time to think and if you look at  the routine of these children they do not have time to do anything for self.You all are aware of the routine of the school going children and the same is being mentioned for the reminder of all those who tend to ignore it. If given a serious thought, then it might help our children upto some extent.But before the routine let us try to figure out the time available to the child for thinking and self study.The children need to spend approximately  eight hours for the school (it includes commuting to and fro the school and the time spent in the school). Four to five hours are spent in the tuition/coaching centres.The child needs at least seven to eight hours of the sleep (as advised by the doctors for proper rest of the body).Approximately three hours the child need for the daily routine work like eating food , taking bath or watching TV ( most of the time while eating only).If we calculate these hours then they have already spent twenty three hours in all these chores. Everyone is aware that there are twenty four hours only in a day then how much time do the children have for thinking and self study? They are left with only one hour, my dear friends and respected parents! Please note that the time for the play and interaction with the family members has not been counted which is vital for the proper development of the personality of the children.
 The schedule for the day of the children which seems to be so hectic and so mechanised as if the children are machines or robots and not the human beings.
Most of them get up at around 5.30 or 6.00 am and get ready for the school as quickly as possible and many of them do not take proper breakfast because of the reasons known to all.Then they board the school bus or any other vehicle and reach school by 7.00 or 7.30 am and be in the school for about six to six and a half hours. Then again board the buses for home and reach there by 2.00 or 2.30 pm ( in some cases even by 3 pm) depending upon the distance of the school from home.They then throw the bag in their rooms and get ready to take a quick lunch and get ready to go to the tuition or the coaching center because in most of the centers they have to reach by 4 pm. Be there for whatever time they are required to be and leave the center and reach home by 8.00 or 8.30 pm (sometimes even by 9 pm). Once again change quickly and get ready to eat something and by this time it is already 9.30 to 10 pm. And if the child has to take seven to eight hours sleep he/she should sleep latest by 10.30 pm.
Now you all can understand that in this one hour available to the child, how much effective self study is possible when the child has been listening to others for the rest of the day and he must be totally tired and fatigued by this time.
All must understand that no effective and long lasting learning can take place without the children trying to learn themselves. The tutors and the teachers may be excellent but only listening to them will not make the children learn, so my request to all concerned is to think about the children and support them in getting enough time for themselves and their self study. Here, I would like to remind everyone that schooling is very important and this should not be replaced by other so called educational centers. 


  1. wow sir its good nd i ever seen this routin ever nd ever;


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