Balance the extremes

Everyone acts and reacts differently in different situations which is very natural and is expected accordingly.  Different approach may not be the problem but extreme approach will always be a serious concern.If there is no balance in the life then it will not be an enjoyable experience for those people but at the same time extremes can not be ruled out.These extremes only force people to react and do things just opposite to what prevails today.There was a time when untouchability was so much in the society that a section of the people found themselves unwanted. The father of the nation made people aware and helped in fighting against the menace of untouchability. Though this has not been completely eroded but has come down substantially. These people who were not allowed to take part in different customs fought against it and now even others have accepted them as respectable human beings. In this case also it has been observed that some of them misuse the rights given to them, this is one example of extreme. The second case is of the dowry where the brides family would become poorer after accomplishing an important task of their life that is, marrying the girl in a good family. Now people are aware of the ill effect of dowry but there are cases filed by the bride or her family against the groom and his family in the name of harassing for the dowry.Law against dowry is being misused by some people. This is another example of extreme.
The third example is of our own country which was mainly agriculture based and most of the population used to live in the villages and they were happy. Now we are moving very fast towards industrialisation and agriculture has taken a back seat. The people who lived in the villages are migrating to the cities in the search of better job avenues and the villages are deprived of the better people. There are facilities in the cities but the villages remain  short of them. Again two extremes. Fourth example is in the field of education . On the one hand, we have international schools which have all possible facilities and infrastructure for the all round development of the students and on the other side the government schools, many of which do not have the basic facilities also. It has been reported in newspapers that there are government school where the children do not have the facility of drinking water whereas, in  some private schools the food is procured from five star hotel and provided to the students and they get mineral water.
The fifth example is of the girls and their early marriage. As per latest report approximately 50 percent girls are married before they are eighteen years of age. On the other hand, there are number of unmarried girls who are more focused on their career and do not marry till they feel that their future is secure financially. This trend is more in metropolitan cities but the trickle-down effect can be seen in the smaller cities also.Early marriage or late marriage, both are not approved by the medical science with regard to the child`s health as well as mothers well-being.My sixth example is of a commonly observed concept. Those families who can support many children have one or two kids whereas the others  who are economically very poor have four or five children and may be more in some cases and find it difficult to bring up the children in an appropriate manner.
The list of the extremes seems to be quite long, but I would like to end with the seventh one which is very important. Earlier the girls used to remain confined to the house- hold work and were not allowed to move out as freely as the boys .This extreme forced the girls to take a bold step and in the race of proving themselves equivalent to the boys they went beyond the limit of the balance. Some of them are trying to do what boys were doing earlier though they knew it well that it  was not right. In this race, the girls many a times fell a prey to the circumstances and by the time they realised it, the harm was already done. I am not able to express what I mean here however, the newspapers and TV reports make this clear to us. From well dressed sari, kurta salwar to bikini and shabby attires, promoted by so called bold actresses and dancers explain the same. Earlier motherhood was considered the most important phase of a woman's life but now it is just a child`s birth. In the past, the family and the children were very important to the lady of the house but now it is the career and job that has taken the top priority. I should not be misunderstood here but see it in right perspective and you will realise that this extreme is also neither doing good to the girls nor to the family.
Hence, it is important that everyone should try to strike a balance in life so that, all live happily and let others also live a happy and a healthy life. 


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