Effective implementation more important than the schemes

A newspaper report made me to think more seriously about a topic which was playing in my mind for the last few days. The report says that the training programme for the the teachers which is being conducted for the benefit of the teachers of Rajasthan board schools lacks in facilities and the teachers have raised the problem in front of the competent authorities. The news further says that in this hot summer there is no facility of coolers and the refreshment is also of the poor quality.On one hand, the government is trying to improve the quality of teachers by asking them to qualify eligibility test and on the other hand the basic amenities required are lacking. This raised another issue that the government plans so many schemes for the improvement of not only the education but also the living standard of  economically backward people of the country.
Another newspaper report speaks about the implementation of different schemes which are meant for the benefit of the citizens mainly for the BPL families.The Nation needs to know what has been the real impact of such schemes on the lives of the people for whom these were launched. We keep reading the problems and the corruption in SSA implementation (which may not be the case in every state and district) regarding poor quality of the food served to the students and in other areas also. The government spends quite a lot of money on this but proper survey has not been done which confirms that this scheme has proved to be as beneficial as expected. When we talk of SSA ,the people understand that this programme would improve the quality of education and eventually the quality of life. But has that really happened? Though the reports on paper can prove anything but the reality can be seen on ground only. Should the children come to the school for the sake of one time  meal or education? It is understood that provision of food may motivate the children to come to the school but is it enough to get them to the school and not provide quality education? When you have the difficulty in providing proper facility for the learning of the teachers(who are not even five percent of the students` population) then what would be the condition of the students` facility? The physical facilities are imperative in the learning process because the classroom and the school topography plays a very important role in the development of an individual.
The world bank report also confirms that in our country the schemes are announced with a lot of enthusiasm but the implementation and the follow up leaves a lot to desire.On the request of planning commission ,the world band did the assessment of eleven main schemes launched by the government of India and it was found that on these very important schemes, only two percent of GDP was spent .The  other main problem is that only forty percent poor people are able to get the benefit of welfare schemes launched for them. All might be aware of a case in UP where a woman died because the ration which she was entitled did not reach her as the people responsible for the distribution did not do it properly due to reasons known to all.The reports prove that public distribution system has failed the welfare schemes the most.Many states in north India where the welfare schemes should be implemented more honestly have the maximum problem in doing the same.
The government should carry out a proper survey and do the audit of the money spent on these schemes and the real outcomes.People have perception that most of the schemes are announced for the poor then why is it so that number of the BPL families is not decreasing rather it is increasing?Also the SSA scheme has been in force for the last many years but how many children have been benefitted by that? The people reporting to the government should be honestly doing that and should not take this reporting casually.(Like what has been done by one of the most efficient investigating agencies in case of the most wanted list). Our country should be one those very few countries which really care for the poor and launch many schemes for their welfare. At the same time this also seems to be true that the implementation and follow up is not up to the mark.
One example will make things more clear.Every year the central and the state  governments announce the budget allocated for the school and the higher education. No body understand the basis of why X amount is allocated because no information is shared with the people. And if the proper budgeting is done then the question is why the state government do not know how much money they are spending per child per annum. This question has come because as per RTE act the state governments are supposed to reimburse an amount to the private schools equivalent to the amount spent per child per annum in government school. Most of the states have set up committees to calculate that now. It means that the budget for education and the expenditure on that was done on adhoc basis.This might hurt somebody but it seems to be true. Anything done on adhoc basis for long time would not produce good result.
So an earnest  request is made to the government that the the schemes announced are welcomed but proper and effective implementation of the same should be ensured.


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