Measure of success

The newspapers reports give you a lot to think everyday and that is why despite the onslaught of electronic media, the print media has not lost its importance. Why is print media more effective( some of my friends may not agree with this statement) shall be discussed on some other and today I shall focus one of the important issues which is so close to my heart and the issue is how do you measure success and is success relative or absolute? What I have understood  is that nothing is absolute in this world and all things are relative.Take the case of the colour of the skin of the people in comparison to different regions and the countries. The Indians are said to be dark in comparison to the Britishers whereas they are considered to be fair in comparison to Africans.You may cite many such examples in different areas of life.
In a particular school, a child with sixty percent marks can be the topper whereas in the other school a child with eighty percent marks may not find his/her name in the merit list. Who is more intelligent will be different from different perspective.But to me both are successful and both can do well in life. The other qualities which are not reflected by the so called academic result ,plays the most important role in the life of a person.Those who do not get good marks are not necessarily inferior in any way to the others but too much talk on academic performance make them feel depressed and left out.The newspapers report only about those 10-15 students so much, that hundreds and thousands of the other children who must have done equally well feel as if they do not deserve any mention. I do not mean to take away the credit of the ones who have made their names in the merit list but at the same time they are not the only ones who are successful.There has been a debate about how much good it does to those children who find themselves on the pinnacle and on cloud nine all of sudden. Till yesterday nobody knew or talked about them but one fine day they are praised so much  as there is nobody better than them.This might cause a little distress in them because next time if they do not perform that well, they may get emotionally disturbed because then somebody else shall be praised. As I always say that excess of everything is bad and so is the case with this issue also.On one hand, government is trying its level best to do away with marks and reflect  the grades only in the report card and on the other hand, some of us are so much obsessed with the marks that the success of the child is measured only by that .
I was very happy to read in one of the newspapers  about the story of a young man who is the son of a newspaper agent and he himself used to distribute the newspapers from his childhood till he completed his graduation.This story is worth reading in which the young man says that each  failure made him one step closer to the success. He says that had he joined Haryana state service for which he qualified four five years back, nobody would have been taking or reading his interview today.He tried for civil service exam and first time could not qualify even the preliminary examination. The second time he qualified for the mains but failed there. Third time he qualified for the interview but could not make it to the final merit list. But he did not give up rather became more determined to do better next time, and this year he got rank within fifty and shall be joining the coveted services of the country. There were two more stories like this, based on which I can say that those children who could not have their name and the photograph or the interview in the newspapers should not loose heart and consider it as they deserve better things in the life provided they work hard and do not take things casually.The parents and teachers should stand by the side of such children also who could not perform well and should not avoid talking or interacting with them. This is really a tough time for all children and inspite of praising a few of them ,whom we consider achievers, all should be given equal affection and support.My advise to all those who are praised by everyone because of their exceptional performance(as perceived by the people ) to take it as one step forward and the others who could not see their names in the newspapers that they have many more opportunities in future and this so called little success should be taken as one step closer to the bigger success.As you will one day reach the final rung of the ladder of success and achieve immense glory.  


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