Exploit the emotions for the benefit of the children
It is a known fact that no two individuals can be same but we still compare two children against each other at home and also in the school.You will find the children with different IQ and EQ level and they behave accordingly. Some children react to very small things said or done to them and there are many others whose reaction will be very mild or sometimes no reaction at all.The teachers and the parents must try to understand the child and the reason behind a particular reaction. No child should be condemned and made to feel inferior to the other children. Praising a child for some achievement is good but at times too much of praise might have negative impact on other children and also on the child being praised.
A child had been doing very well up to class fifth or sixth and then all of a sudden parents realised that the child had become quiet and was showing the signs of withdrawal and was not willing to go to school. The parents try their level best but no results. Then they approached the teacher and shared the problem of the child and tried to know what had gone wrong. The teacher tried to talk to the child and helped him to come out with difficulty, he might be facing but this also did not help.Then the matter was brought to the knowledge of the principal of the school and after enquiring about the child`s performance and behavior he started talking to him. He had many sessions with the child to know the problem but the child did not give any hint. Then the principal realised that talking about the problem all the time might further disturb the child which may aggravating the problem hence he decided not to discuss that matter further. He took the help of the teachers to find out a solution so that the child starts liking to come to the school. The principal started behaving with the child as he cared the most for him and liked the child because he was never involved in any fight or act of indiscipline as other children might have been doing. The teachers were also asked to visit the child`s house and the principal also visited him at his home and tried to show to the child that as he(the principal) was the part of the family.The child started feeling comfortable and started coming to the school regularly. Though the child never told the problem very clearly but it was that he could not get good marks in one of the tests and the teacher in the school and the mother at home had conveyed it to him that he should have done better and this disturbed him. As initially nobody noticed the change(the boy was otherwise also reserved by nature) it made him to remain absent from the school. In this case the parents took initiative and the teachers responded positively, hence the child could come out of the problem and did very well in all the classes and passed out from the school with a brilliant result.
In the other similar case the child who was probably in prep class would not eat anything either in the school or at home except some items which were in the category of the junk food. The parents were really worried and rightly so. They approached the teacher to help them. Here also the teacher concerned tried but was unsuccessful initially, but did not give up hope and kept on motivating the child. She used to sit with the child during fruit break and recess time and eat with the child most of the time from the tiffin of the child and sometimes the teacher would share her tiffin with the child. The teacher worked with a lot of patience and she was successful in changing the food habits of the child for his good.
What does it teach us? Any action or any word said by adults can make a lot of difference in the life of the child.So we as teachers and parents should be very careful while dealing with the children and never compare them with anybody else, not even with their parents.Also if there is a will and teacher and parents work together then every child will improve in all aspects. So, deal with the children with open mind and they can be improved, though in some cases it may take longer time than the other cases but patience and perseverance is mantra to win over a situation.
A child had been doing very well up to class fifth or sixth and then all of a sudden parents realised that the child had become quiet and was showing the signs of withdrawal and was not willing to go to school. The parents try their level best but no results. Then they approached the teacher and shared the problem of the child and tried to know what had gone wrong. The teacher tried to talk to the child and helped him to come out with difficulty, he might be facing but this also did not help.Then the matter was brought to the knowledge of the principal of the school and after enquiring about the child`s performance and behavior he started talking to him. He had many sessions with the child to know the problem but the child did not give any hint. Then the principal realised that talking about the problem all the time might further disturb the child which may aggravating the problem hence he decided not to discuss that matter further. He took the help of the teachers to find out a solution so that the child starts liking to come to the school. The principal started behaving with the child as he cared the most for him and liked the child because he was never involved in any fight or act of indiscipline as other children might have been doing. The teachers were also asked to visit the child`s house and the principal also visited him at his home and tried to show to the child that as he(the principal) was the part of the family.The child started feeling comfortable and started coming to the school regularly. Though the child never told the problem very clearly but it was that he could not get good marks in one of the tests and the teacher in the school and the mother at home had conveyed it to him that he should have done better and this disturbed him. As initially nobody noticed the change(the boy was otherwise also reserved by nature) it made him to remain absent from the school. In this case the parents took initiative and the teachers responded positively, hence the child could come out of the problem and did very well in all the classes and passed out from the school with a brilliant result.
In the other similar case the child who was probably in prep class would not eat anything either in the school or at home except some items which were in the category of the junk food. The parents were really worried and rightly so. They approached the teacher to help them. Here also the teacher concerned tried but was unsuccessful initially, but did not give up hope and kept on motivating the child. She used to sit with the child during fruit break and recess time and eat with the child most of the time from the tiffin of the child and sometimes the teacher would share her tiffin with the child. The teacher worked with a lot of patience and she was successful in changing the food habits of the child for his good.
What does it teach us? Any action or any word said by adults can make a lot of difference in the life of the child.So we as teachers and parents should be very careful while dealing with the children and never compare them with anybody else, not even with their parents.Also if there is a will and teacher and parents work together then every child will improve in all aspects. So, deal with the children with open mind and they can be improved, though in some cases it may take longer time than the other cases but patience and perseverance is mantra to win over a situation.
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