Failure: A stepping stone to success

The report in the newspaper early in the morning once again made me to think about the level of stress our children and youth are exposed to. A girl student tried to end her life because , as per the report, she had not performed well in one of the papers. I am unable to understand about the real cause of such incidents which are not in isolation now-a-days.This girl would have been a good student and as a result of that got admission in of the good engineering college.Then what made her to be so stressed? Is it the external pressure of always performing well or pressure created by self? Or is it that our children are not prepared to take the failure or achieve less than anybody else? These are the questions which everyone should ask to self and others and find an answer to it and based on that, take corrective measures. Now when even the students of colleges and universities have started taking these extreme steps,  then will the government think of having no exams in these institutes also? If we analyse the situation seriously, it will be found that our children are not being taught or trained to face the failures in life. I do not mean that failures should be praised but this is a fact that failure is not the end of life, rather if seen in right perspective it is observed that failure helps a person to perform better. The example of  Former President of USA is worth quoting here and all should understand that this is not the only example but many such examples can be found in the history and also today where the people failed to achieve a goal number of times but they were not disheartened or lost hope and they even tried hard  next time and continued trying till they achieved their goal.Take the case of the people who are involved in research work. Their perseverence for inventing new things for years together is so significant and they ultimately achieve what they want. Failure in spite of causing depression should bring out  the best of the creativity and ability of the person.
Cut throat competition and the desire of doing better than others are the basic causes of the problem we are facing today. The children and the youth should be taught and advised to do the best as per their potential without comparing it with others.If one is having potential of achieving B grade then he/she should not get less than that, at the same time should not worry about somebody else getting A grade. He/she should worry only when he/she gets less than what he/ she is capable of getting. In that case also there is no need of getting depressed but to understand what went wrong and then try again again to improve.Everybody fails in life , the only difference is most of the  people do not take the failure as the final call but try to do better, whereas in some cases it is taken as everything is lost.
Let us try to understand the reason why our children get depressed so much if they do not get something expected by them. I do not want to cast any doubt on parents efforts of providing all possible facilities to their children which they themselves were deprived of, but that at times they make  children so demanding that they become habitual of getting everything on demand and most of the times without working hard for that. Earlier the children used to try for everything all by themselves and it was only in rare cases where the parents or other people would help them.Now they have so many hands to help the children even before they need that help. Somebody rightly mentioned that if you want a child not to learn how to walk then always provide him/her the support and do not allow  him to walk on his own.It does not mean the child should not be supported but he/she should experience and try to learn to walk and which he/she will learn by tumbling down and falling and getting up and walk and this might happen a number of times. At times the child might get hurt also. If we do not allow the child to learn by self then there would be problems.
This worries me that no failure policy till class VIII would help or make the children unable of facing the challenges in future? When the child does not that know that not trying or working hard will not make any difference to his promotion, then what will happen when he/she gets promoted to class IX? I am the supporter of no fail policy but while teaching the children, they should be made to understand that if they do not perform that  well what is expected of them, then they should work hard and improve upon their performance.I do not understand why the word failure  has been tagged in a negative sense,when everyone knows that success and failure are two sides of the same coin and the coin here is life.The parents should also not expect too much from the children and help them to understand that nobody wins always .
As the results of many boards and competitive examinations will be declared in the next few weeks, the parents and other adults should help the children and encourage them to face whatever they achieve and should not let them feel down whatever is the result. An average result gives us the opportunity to understand the weaknesses and work upon them so that next time the performance is better. The children should always be encouraged to work hard and not to worry about the result because in both the cases they learn the skills of life.


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