Control emotions specially anger

There are many channels which air the programmes related to spirituality and spread teachings of the great saints from all religions. Those who watch such channels will agree that all the topics discussed may not give us lessons on virtues but most of the topics teach all, the right path and the human values.These channels are becoming popular day by day.Why is it so that despite the present era being termed as materialistic age, then also many people are watching and reading the material related to peace and value?
Many people rightly say that this curiosity has always been in the nature of human being but that was over powered by the shine of wealth and worldly things. In all the teachings either by the saints or incarnations of God, control on emotions has been taught. To have emotions and also to express them at the right time is very important. In today`s world when everybody is focused more on the self achievement in terms of money or the position, the emotional intelligence is proving negative than giving a positive result. All the people must come across such situations when they did not understand the reason of somebody shouting at them, even the person who was angry might not have been knowing the reason himself/herself. This harms everyone but when taken in context of the children adults should be very careful. Some real life examples will explain and convey my experience in daily life(you may also have experienced the same a number of times).
Once a child who was not doing well was shifted from one section to another and the teacher was told the reason. She took it positively and felt as she is the one who can help that child to improve and do well in the class.In a similar case, another teacher reacted negatively and expressed her feelings( anger) in the presence of the child. She felt as she was being punished by giving one more child who had not been doing well. Now in the second case, the child felt really unwanted and thought that nobody likes him. The slight anger which was expressed without realising the impact had  negative effect on the child whereas in the other case the child came out of the depression and did very well later in the session.
Take another case in which the father of a child would come to school with lot many complains against either the teacher or the other students. He was in such a rage that whatever he spoke was not comprehended by any of the listeners. The pitch was so high that the other children got disturbed and many of them were depressed because they could not understand why this man was shouting. The son of this gentleman was otherwise efficient but was not able to do well an academics and the father wanted to get the best from him. Because of this, the child started telling lie and without giving a correct picture to the father. The mother knew the truth but ,she was not in a position to advise the father because she was well aware of the anger of her husband. She could not stop the father at times when he would beat him ruthlessly at home. It continued for many years because most of the teachers and the head of school did not react negatively because they were more concerned about the well being of the child.Fortunately, the gentleman used to behave properly in front of the head always and treated him like his father. The same child did well in his board exam of class X and joined a particular stream in class XI.Now the father was comfortable and at ease with everything. One day he approached the principal and said that he wanted to share certain things with him related to his behavior in the last four five years.He told the principal the incidents of his childhood which were shocking to the head and then he could realise why this man behaved in a peculiar manner. It would not be appropriate to write all incidents shared by him because many of them were really heart breaking. His childhood was most difficult for him because he stayed away from his father and the relative who were responsible to look after him treated him in an unpleasant manner. He used to do all household chores and his cousins used to relax or enjoy with friends. This gentle man was at times beaten badly  for very small mistakes committed by him and at times even without any reason. This treatment during his childhood made him behave the way he behaved in his later life. The impact on him was so much that despite the fact that he knew that what happened and what he was doing to his child was not right but could not control himself. He is  a good person but his childhood experience made him to behave the way he did.  After listening to him the head had all the sympathy towards this gentleman. The head kept interacting with the family even after the child left the school and kept advising the father and mother the way they should behave with the child because he never wanted that another such father is made out of an innocent youth.
This may not be an isolated case but there are many more. I shared this with you all that anger should be controlled by everyone particularly while handling the children because this may have a chain reaction which may not benefit anyone but cause harm to our own people.


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