How long will it continue?

All India Engineering Entrance Examination conducted on first May 2011 proved to be a nightmare for more than eleven lakh children who had worked very hard for this exam for about two years. Nobody expected what had happened yesterday, in their dreams also. Despite the best possible efforts made and all possible precautions taken by the examination conducting body to conduct the examination in a fair manner, this problem emerged and the children, their parents and also the examination centres had a tough time. Though it is good that the examination could be conducted for most of the students on the same day but there was a lot of confusion in the mind of the parents and the children.The stress caused by all this must have had an impact on the performance of the children because it was dry heat with temperature soaring to more than 45degrees and the candidates were exposed to extreme conditions.Even those children who were to appear in second paper got only one hour in between the two papers.Thousands of the children could not appear in the aforementioned exam because on those centres another exam was to be conducted in the afternoon session. There are many questions being raised by different people which need to be answered and also the examination conducting bodies and the government should evolve a foolproof method ,so that, because of some corrupt and selfish minded people the children do not suffer. We are sure that CBSE must have taken all steps in this direction but a stringent measure must be taken for the same.
Till now nobody is sure about what must have happened but one thing is for sure that this is an organised and well planned act of serious crime by a group of people who have some vested interest. If this can happen in case of one of the most efficient examination body then the condition of rest of the examinations can very easily be understood. CBSE and the government must find out who is involved in this and expose their modus operandi. There is one important thing which I have been wanting to share with everyone but could not really do so because of some reasons. If a serious thought is given then you find that a parallel system to school education is active in this country. Though our policy makers are trying their level best to reduce the stress and the pressure of academics on the children but this parallel system is not letting it succeed, rather the steps taken by policy makers are proving a blessing in disguise for that parallel system which boasts of preparing the students to crack any competitive examination.This system is doing a lot of harm to our education system reforms and converting the children into an object meant to cram-up things and have only one goal of qualifying an entrance exam by whatever means. When I say whatever means,everyone probably can understand ,but let it be more clear. All know what started in a city which nowadays unfortunately is called as education city or the hub of education. CBSE had to take action against some of the schools which had the so called arrangement with the institutes claiming to  prepare children for the entrance exam. What emerged as a small plant(may be initially it was not intended to be what it has become over a period of time), has now become a huge tree and has its roots and branches spread all over the country. It has become a huge business and all kinds of attempts are made by them to prove that no child can qualify or pass any entrance examination without  their supports. The claims have been disputed many a times which was proved a few years back when two well known institutes fought in open for claiming a child to be from their institute.The parents of aspiring children are lured and they get impressed by full page ads given in the newspapers by the institutes and in many a cases it is found that the names of same children are claimed by many institutes.The claims are made that whatever the child has achieved,this is all because of that  institute and as the efforts of the child, parents and the school( if the child is really attending a school) do not have any contribution in that. Earlier the children of classes XI and XII used to be lured by them and then the students of IX and X were also added to the list but now as per the advertisement seen in the newspapers they are luring the children from class VI itself.Who should be responsible for encouraging all this? Will it not affect the overall growth of the children? Despite knowing it so well ,why the responsible people are turning a blind eye towards it? The parents and also the schools are the stakeholders in this critical issue,as they fail to see beyond the tall claims and false promises made by these institutes.
This is also very true that all institutes and the schools are not involved in these malpractices but those which are, should be exposed.Few things are suggested below for the consideration of the policy makers.
The quality of the school education should be improved. In the name of reducing stress the quality of the syllabus and the teaching learning process should not be compromised. The standard of the teachers training institutes and the higher education institutes should also be raised so that schools get quality teachers. The parents must also understand that education is not just to get into any professional degree from a college of repute but also to learn the values of life. If the children will be taught to achieve something at any cost even if the means adopted are wrong then they will not learn good things. In the end, I would like to request all that the children should be taught and encouraged to achieve anything by fair means only and not by using unfair means, otherwise the fight against corruption will never succeed because these children only will be the torch bearers of a promising in future.


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