Building National Character

Our country has progressed in almost all fields in the last sixty four years. The nation is expected to be among the super- powers of the world in the next ten- fifteen years and it gives lot of satisfaction to the citizens of the country and they take pride in it. The progress made in the past and the optimism that the country shall do well in future is true, but if things are analysed properly then we are left to introspect seriously of the problems which do not allow a fast paced progress as the country is capable of. I feel that in the race of acquiring materialistic things we forgot one important aspect of the life of the people which could have been one reason of slow progress and that is the lack of national character. It may sound negative to some people who always look at positives only, but the area which is hindering our pace of progress should not be ignored. Character building is a very important aspect of an individuals personality development process. If the national character building  was given proper attention in our education policy then we would not have seen so many scams and scandals as reported in the newspapers. National character can not be built in a day or month or year but it is done over a period of time.
Take the case of other countries like Singapore ,Egypt,Thailand, UK, USA and many more. There the countrymen feel proud of their country and though they may have difference of opinion on many issues, but when it comes to doing something for the country they speak the same language including the media and critics of the government. Visit Singapore and see how they promote their country and exhibit perfect discipline. In Egypt, we were told by the guide that military training is compulsory for almost all the people. Though the duration depends upon the basic educational qualification of the individual.It is not that the people are not selfish in those countries but they hold their country in high esteem. The removal of the president of that country without much bloodshed confirms what I want to share with you all. What is meant by national character? This should not be very difficult for the people to understand. Visit the history of the country pre- independence and look at the qualities of our great freedom fighters and that will explain everything. Why to go that far, first decade after independence also had many leaders and the general public who were always brimming with national character.Those people who feel proud of their country and do not talk of their rights only but know and understand their duties as well, are the ones who possess national character. The public property is not considered by them as the property of others but as their own, this is an important trait of national character.Damaging so called public property has become so common in our country which really make everyone feel ashamed.And whenever it is done it is for the selfish motive of an individual or the group ,of the people but certainly not for the good of the nation.If a survey is done on the damage done to the public property in the name of agitations (which has become very common because no action is taken against the ones who indulge in such acts, rather they become heroes and eventually the leaders) and if this would be the character of the leader, what would you expect from the general public.
Once again, I would like to say that the national character building should be an integral part of the curriculum right from the primary schools to the colleges and that should be inculcated in all citizens of the country. Punishing few Rajas may not lead to the purpose but try to understand why such people are increasing in number. The law will take its own course but the government and the society should try to do something at social level also.Let our children be taught to follow simple laws and the rules made for the benefit of the people only. The children should be taught by examples how to be disciplined at home and also outside.Help the government in implementing the welfare schemes in the right spirit. Take the example of NAREGA or SSA. These are wonderful steps taken by the government but is it really helping the people it was meant for. In this regard, political leaders and the administrators should set an example. The ruling party leaders and  the people in opposition should complement each other for the development of the country then finding faults in each other. The recently held state assembly results have proved that if the leader has national character and do the things for the public welfare sincerely then the public responds accordingly.
 We might have to take some extra -ordinary steps to ensure that our people respect the public property and do not ever think of doing any harm to that ,whatever may be the reasons. The parents and teachers can also play an important role in this regard because they learn from them the most.Once we understand that our existence is because of this country and not vice verse then most of the problems will be taken care of. When we go out of our country,we are treated as Indians and not X,Y or Z and that is our identity of being what we are i.e; Indians.Respect your country, contribute towards character building and experience the change.


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