Value Time

We all know it well that time and tide waits for none and once over, the same time does not come back.Every living being has been granted a fixed duration of life on this planet and no body is sure of what happens after that.There are many things important in life but to be successful punctuality is one of the most important factors which, we Indians value the least. Now a days, it is the season of marriages and many people attend one or the other function related to marriage. It happens so many times that  the guests reach on time given in the invitation cards and the host is nowhere in the sight. The guests either keep waiting or go back and may or may not come back to attend the function. It reminds me of the recently held marriage ceremony of prince Williams in which the guest were requested to reach the places of the function and the hosts were also equally punctual during all rituals. It shows that they value the time. There may be many factors for not starting the function in time but this is not the right thing done and taught to our children.Leave aside the marriage functions if we analyse how many functions in the schools and colleges or any where else start on time.It is a practice that the chief guest is told to come half an hour or more late than the time mentioned in the invitation card for the guests. You will notice that the functions rarely start on scheduled time sometimes due to the problem of the guests and sometimes due to the host not being  ready.This may appear to be a very small thing for some of us but our children learn a wrong lesson that punctuality is not a big deal and they may be casual in this respect because the elders are unknowingly teaching them this lesson.
Not only this, if you invite some guest to dinner or some other occasion, they come taking their own sweet time without realising that somebody is waiting for them at the cost of some or the work.If it happens occasionally due to some compulsive reasons it may be accepted but the problem is when it becomes a habit. Look at the meetings of the political leaders wherein people are made to wait for hours because the minister or the other leader does not reach on time.  It will be interesting to do a research to find how many times do we start any function and the work on time.
 The people who reach their office or the school on time are decreasing day by day, specially those who feel that job is secured and no action can be taken against them so easily.Another problem is with the transport system in our country. Most of the trains and the airlines are delayed. In a few cases you will find that the duration of flight is one hour and the flight gets delayed by a number of hours thereby wasting the precious time of the passengers.Same is the case with buses. The worrisome situation is that nobody pays any attention and consider these delays as routine happenings. They do not realise that the number of hours wasted in this manner cost a lot which can not be compensated in future.
I raised this point because we are in the company of the children who are the future of this country and if we can not teach them the value of time then we are doing a lot of harm to them. You all know it well that even a second  rather the fraction of a second is very important. This can be verified from Ms.P.T.Usha who lost the bronze medal by one hundredth of a second. Ask a passenger who has missed his flight by a minute or a student who reached the examination hall late by five minutes and could not attempt one or two questions and missed the name in the merit due to that.
We come across those respected parents also who talk a lot of punctuality and morals but would not feel shy of accusing the bus driver or the conductor for not waiting for two minutes, if the child was to reach the pick- up point. This does not teach a good lesson but makes him feel that the punctuality is not very important.Our children do what is taught to them by us through our actions and not by lectures.The classes in which the teachers reach on time , the children always try to be in the class before the teacher enters. In other classes, where the teacher is not punctual the student also develop the same attitude which does not do them any good .Doing things as per schedule not only helps an individual but also all the others who are attached to it.I know a person who start his functions and programmes on time irrespective of  the arrival of the chief guest or other guests . Initially there were problems and the people expressed unhappiness but this gentleman stood on his grounds and eventually people started reaching in his programmes in time.

In the end,it is suggested that punctuality should be observed by everyone in all situations ,so that nobody is forced to waste time which is so precious to all of us. My earnest request to those people who matter a lot to the society is,to be more careful in this aspect because some people have a complex that,if they reached in time their importance will be undermined, which is not so.If the responsible people reach in time they are appreciated and held in reverence.Hence, respect time and in turn time will also respect you. 


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