Leadership qualities

Whenever the word leader or leadership is spoken people tend to relate it either with the politicians or the person on higher positions in an organisation.This is correct but what many people feel is that every person is leader in one or the other situation and that is why it becomes very important to understand the leadership qualities because the decision of the leader can make or mar the future of  many people. When I say that everyone is a leader in one or the other situation, that will be clear by some day to day examples. The leaders are the ones who lead other people or take a decision not for self but for the family, society, any organisation or the country. The prime minister of the country is one important example but at the same time everyone of us takes one or the other decision everyday which affect many people. Take the case of support staff in an organisation, that person may be at the lowest position in hierarchy but takes decisions which may not be noticed by anybody.Take the case of the receptionist or any other person in the front office, they take decisions in their own way like telling the guest where to sit and provide a glass of water and replying to some of the queries asked by the guest. The same person is also leader at home where he/she takes decisions how to run the family and help others to grow.They decide about the budget of the family and other day to day work to be accomplished by them for the welfare of the family members.For that matter not only the support staff but even other people act as leaders at home and in some other social organisations they might be associated with.
Now the question is what makes an individual a good leader? Is a leader born or can be made? First take the second question and you will find that some are born leaders and when an opportunity comes their way they make full use of that.There are many people who think that leaders are born but the other group of the people think it the other way round and are of the firm opinion that the leaders are made. This may be structured plan for creating a leader and many a times the circumstances create leaders.But as mentioned earlier that everyone acts as leader, hence it is true that people are born with leadership qualities and these qualities get further developed by the people knowingly and unknowingly.
 Now, let us try to discuss the qualities of a good leader.A good leader is always ready to listen to the views of the other people in the family or the organisation he/ she is working in. A good leader always considers him/her as part of the team and not above the team. He is ready to take blame on himself for the consequences of a decision taken by all which also might have proved wrong.. I always feel that no decision when taken is wrong but the consequences may be  beneficial for the people.At the same time good leader always gives the credit to others in the family or the organisation for any work done or right decision taken.A good leader should always be impartial, firm and fair.He should treat everyone with respect and the dignity of the team members should never be undermined. He/she should be receptive to the criticism of the self and try to correct if necessary after analysing it carefully.For a good leader everyone should be equal, irrespective of the position, age or the potential . This is because no two people can be similar always.A good leader should know the strengths and weaknesses of all the people who constitute his/ her team but that does not mean to divide them in good and bad, but to ensure to involve all in different areas where they may be good.A good  leader is the friend for all and not of a few of the members when it comes to taking a decision for the entire group, though he/ she may have different kind of personal relationship with people of the team. A good leader never mixes the personal relationship with professional relationship.A good leader has faith in all the members until and unless proved otherwise and then also he tries to correct the person who might have been proving to be a negative force to the team efforts.A good leader is always a learner and does not let any opportunity go in this regard.A good leader is emotional but does not allow the emotions to rule him. He is the master of the emotions and not its servant.He is always ready to share the joys and sorrows of the other members.Good leader is never angry with any member of the team but many be happy with work done by that member and also he does not carry forth the wrong done by anybody forever.
The one who can balance self in any situation will prove to be a good leader and the best comes from him in odd situations.
These are some of the simple things which all have but either do not get an opportunity to showcase them or the childhood incidents play a negative role in letting him do that well as he is capable of doing. In the end, I would like to say that everybody in the family, organisation and the country is important and a good leader always understand it very well. I shall mention something in context of a school(which is applicable in all situations and organisations) by saying, that if a school can not do well without a potential head than the same can not happen without the support staff members also. This person  may be a waiter or the lowest paid  person in the school. A leader always appreciates the efforts of all and not only of a few individuals.To sum up,the very essence of leadership lies in grasping and holding a vision to lead the team for the benefit of an organisation.


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