Children becoming mature before time

It can be observed very often that when a friend or relative visits a family in which there are some kids, they are introduced to the guests which is quite natural.The introduction does not end by name etc., but goes beyond that. The parents of the kids want the child  to interact with guests and they take pride in telling many things about the child to the guests. Not only this, the poems  learnt at school by the kids, their work of art and craft,achievements in music or dance,computer proficiency and the list is long, are also discussed. The children are not that much involved in that but they follow the instructions of the parents and exhibit their talent in front of the guests. Now the question is why do the parents do it?
Many a times ,we come across cases where children of particular age group talk and discuss things which are  beyond their comprehension. This  leads to another question : Are children becoming mature before time?
The nature has balanced everything and the development of human beings, living and non living beings  is also well defined.This is known to all that  the men  has tried to disturb the natural development of vegetables and fruits etc., by using artificial methods and most of the  vegetables and fruits sold in the market are made to grow fast by administering some chemical by means of an injection. These vegetables may grow faster and bigger and people can earn more money quickly but the quality of the products will not be good which will ultimately harm the one for whom this is being produced.
The educationist and thinkers must have considered lot many things and factors  when they framed age equivalent learning of the child and  and  the same for higher classes as well. It is always advocated that the kids should be allowed to grow naturally and no external factor should disturb the natural growth of the children.
But what is being watched on TV and many examples like the one mentioned in the beginning of the article is not a good sign. In the name of reality shows, small children are being forced to perform those acts for which they are not mature enough. All might remember the case of a girl who became bedridden due to excess practice and psychological disturbance faced by her during the show. There was some concern shown by everyone including the government but no  firm steps have been taken to stop the occurrence of such incidents and save the childhood of the children. Nowadays small children are made to go to one or the other play school without realising that it might do more harm to them than good. There may be some compulsive reasons for the parents to do this but it does not do much good to the kids.When parents are advised not to do so, the argument is that if they do not send their child to the play school their child will lag behind and would not be able to perform as well as the other children can do. This thinking has made the parents to expose their child to an unknown environment. Not only this the small kids of age two onwards are sent to the hobby classes also without realising that this is against the natural growth of the child.The small kids are forced to remember the poems told by the teachers or the parents. One example shall clarify this point. During one of the interactions between the head of a school and the parents of the children of pre-primary classes, regarding the issues faced by the parents at home;The mother of a child says that her son (who was three years old)does not follow the instructions of his dance coach. The steps require the counting up to twelve or thirteen and he would not do more than ten steps. Her question was ,what should be done to make the child disciplined and follow the instruction of the coach? The teacher  told the mother that as the child has learnt the counting up to ten only that is why he can not follow the counting after that and he should not be forced to do so. This is not an isolated case and there are many children who are forced to do things which are not their age equivalent. There may be some exceptional cases where the child may perform certain things which are not expected from that particular age group child ,but this can not be generalised and every child should not be forced to do that.
The comparison between two children is not good and all children should be treated as individual who has his/her own identity. The two kids even in the same family have different aptitude and potential than the other .They should not be forced to become mature before time otherwise it may cause problem at later stage.It is disturbing when even during vacation period they are enrolled in different summer courses and not allowed to be at their own. Again there may be some compulsive reasons for doing that but all may feel good today when the child behave in so called very mature manner but the same child may not stand up to the expectations of the parents when really required. The parents should avoid forcing their own expectations on their children.
Let us not kill their childhood in the name of making their future. Future would be enjoyed by them if they are allowed to grow naturally and are not forced to become mature before time. 


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