The country of cricket

During the ICC world 2011 which was hosted by three countries of Asia including India concluded on 02nd April 2011 on a happy note of India winning the champion`s trophy which they deserve and the whole country celebrated the achievement of our cricketers.They are being praised by all including those who in the past doubted the team`s commitment and unity.There is a competition  among different state governments to announce the prizes in terms of money, flats and even the ministries are equally enthusiastic about it.Too much of a hype and then so much money for one particular game, is it justified?This is the question many country men are asking today. It is not that they are not enjoying the victory of the team but the worry is why has it become a money game. People wonder what would have been the reaction of the people had Indian not done well. Another question asked is ,what is the position of India in other sports. Every body is supporting the winning team but what is being done to improve the games and sports in the country. Cricket only cannot bring the country in the category of developed nation. Other question being asked by the people if it would  have been the same response had  it been the same game. If the central government and state government have that much money ,why should our national game not be promoted? How much money has been spent by these state governments to help the players who are struggling to bring back the glory of the game which was the national pride for decades?
When the young generation reads about the money showered on cricketers they do not want to take up any other game but cricket. Promoting cricket is not wrong but other sports should not be ignored.
Saina Nehwal brought laurels to this country in the last few years and before that Praksh Padukone and Gopichand Pulela had done the same. But how much was the help extended to them? How many state governments came forward to announce the prizes for them? Why should cricket and cricketers be treated  more important than any other sports personality? Is it so that the emotions of the Indian people are being exploited for the lust of money?Why is it so that cricket  is the only game which is so closely associated with betting? These questions are not at all to undermine the contribution and hard work of the cricketers but to remind ourselves that attention should be paid to improve the standard of other sports also. If our players can achieve this height in cricket the countrymen are capable of doing equally well in other sports also.
On one of the news channels there was a news clip in which the finance minister of the country  was quoted making a request to the  prime minister declaring Monday(04th April2011) as a holiday.The people were surprised and did not believe that he can do so.The countrymen have started asking that is doing no work and being at home the only way of paying respect to the players and if considered the number of holidays in the country otherwise also it appears when should the countrymen work..
The aware and concerned people have been raising the questions about the efforts being made by us to improve the games and sports in the schools and colleges.It is known to every one that most of the schools in the country do not have proper play grounds. In some cases, the job of sports teachers has been limited to maintaining the discipline only.One or two sports teacher manage so many children in the school. Until and unless proper policy will be framed to promote games and sports, the country will live on the laurels of individual efforts.The central board of secondary education has asked its affiliated schools to ensure one period for every child daily which is a  welcome step but that should not happen the way it has been done. Let the parents and children be made aware of the physical education period  and not only the activities related to academics. Many people have asked the question will it be possible to accommodate so many children in the ground?
For this either the time will have to be taken from the academic periods or the duration of the school should be increased. To reduce the time from academics may not be a good idea but asking students to play in the morning or evening hours would be better. But are all schools situated at a reachable distance? The climatic conditions in the country are such that children can not be exposed to scorching heat immediately after normal school hours.
 But the fact is that whatever are the limitations and problems something should be done to improve the games and sports facilities and all games should get the same kind of promotion as the game of cricket . In the end a respectful salute to the cricketers and many of the sports personalities who have given this country something to enjoy.


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