All Pass- No Fail Policy

Quality education means that all the learners attain minimum level of learning.To achieve this level the students have to study and work hard.This also acts as the motivation  and helps an individual to try and reach this level.In everybody`s life there are goals and to achieve those goals they need the process the path and find out ways to reach the goal.If one does not have a goal to reach in the life, the life becomes dull and monotonous . All know it well that anything which is achieved by hard work and perseverance gives more and enduring satisfaction than the one achieved easily.
Education makes a person to discover self and exploit the potential possessed by the individual. Every country has an important place for its education system depending upon the requirement of the people and the nation. Though the basic aim of the education may be same but the teaching learning process and the evaluation have been quite different. The present Indian education system has been in place  from the time of Mr. Macaulay. Though several attempts were made in the past to bring some radical change in the system but not much could be done.There was no consensus on way of doing the things. The emphasis has been more on reducing the load of the bag or the syllabus but to improve the quality of the education.
The changes implemented by the present central government also have not been taken by the people in a serious manner but as if it  has been forced upon them. The whole concept of the CCE emphasizes on the method of evaluation though the logic given is that the burden of the children will be reduced by it. Most people have not responded to that positively and this can be understood from the fact that no other board except central board of secondary education has adopted the same but the state boards have said no to the proposal of having no public examination for class X ,on the other hand  many state board are conducting board exam at class VIII level also. The central government could not force them to follow what is done in CBSE affiliated schools.
The right to education act implemented by the government has come into force in which the thrust is on enrolling  all children who are of the age between six to fourteen so that everyone gets education. This is  a welcome step taken by the government.The government has set priorities and the time frame in which these are to be completed. The finance ministry has also done its bit by allocating more funds for the primary and secondary education.One very important point in the act is that no child will be detained in the same class for any reason even if the child has not achieved the minimum level prescribed for that particular class. CBSE had done it for up to class V and the people differed on whether it had done good to the children or not. Now no child will repeat any class up to VIII.
This brings two points in forefront and they are how to improve the quality of teaching and learning.This should be discussed seriously and efforts to be made for the same,so that no child needs this rule to get promoted to next class but does so on the basis of his meritorious performance .The idea of teacher eligibility test is good but can you have quality teachers without having quality teachers` training institute? Promoting every child to next may prove detrimental to quality of the education and also to the individual child as well. It may appear to be alright today but are we making the child dependent and handicapped to face the challenges of life? The surveys conducted by government agencies and NGO's reveal alarming data and information. As per these surveys in many states 30- 40% children do not reach to the level of the class they are studying in. There is a fear in the mind of the people that promoting every child may affect the teaching learning negatively because the children and in some cases even the teachers may not take it seriously when they know that  every child will be promoted to the next class.It is a debatable point and both the sides have strong view in favour or against this. I feel that the teaching learning methodology should be improved and focus should be on improving that.The end result will definitely improve and all will take pride in that in spite of feeling guilty of achieving something without working hard for it.Many people feel that this will make the children mentally weak and they may develop a habit of not accepting failures in life.
Another question which needs to be answered is that every child does not have an aptitude for all the things taught to him.Then why a choice should not be given to the children as per the liking in which they feel comfortable and accordingly the teachers can develop skills of the children in those areas. For example, some body might do well in games and sports and creative arts, then the child should be promoted in that particular area. The example of China is very relevant here. The sports remind of one important aspect and that is through sports children learn the lesson of winning and failure which helps an individual all through the life because winning and losing are the two sides of the same coin that is life.Nobody can win all the time and no one gets defeated all the times. The example of President Abraham Lincoln is worth mentioning here. He was exposed to very difficult situations in his childhood and that made him so strong. Many examples can be quoted from the history where the people who faced hardships in the childhood rose to do exceedingly well in the later life.
So education and the examination system should be such that it makes the child ready to face all odds. If the standard of teaching deteriorate in the schools, the existing menace of the coaching institute will flourish further and the children will be forced by the parents to join them so that they become capable of facing the competitive exams after class XII. We already have the coaching institute luring children and parents to join them right from class VI onwards for coaching of IIT.  As per a report published in one of the newspapers the parents are spending approximately 30-40% of the total expenditure( on education) on private tutions.In Bihar this is more in rural areas than the cities.
So this is very important that the quality of teachers and the standard of teaching are improved and the focus should be on child`s learning . The focus should not be examination or no examination because the basic objective of the exam is to test whether an individual has achieved that level which was expect of him . And if the quality of teaching learning is improved, then there will be no worry to fail or pass because in that case all the children will do well.  


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