Excess of everything is bad

The people in business are told that the price of any commodity will depend upon the demand and supply and that seems to be absolutely true. This has been a regular feature in the recent past that if the price of something is to be hiked then a phobia is created that this particular item is in shortage. The prices of sugar, onion and vegetables keep on fluctuating depending upon the so called availability or shortage. These are extreme conditions and in both the situations people get affected most of the time negatively.
Another extreme is seen in the newspapers and on TV channels. If the Indian team does well one day then, so much of hype would be created so as to get a feeling that this team is the best and nobody can beat them ever and if unluckily they get defeated( which is natural) then the reports will make you feel as if there is no team worst than this. Not only this,a lot of negative will be written and spoken.This is another  example of an extreme and there are many more like this. Is this right and should our life and our actions be so imbalanced? I feel a balanced approach in any situation will be helpful to all and the human beings will be more happy, rather the right expression would be" really happy".
The world today is changing at a fast pace and there is no way you can stop that. But the question is that- Are all the changes taking place for the good of the people? Or the people ought to be careful while accepting or rejecting some of these changes? Once again this is not an easy question which has a universally accepted answer. The people differ in their opinion about this and rightly so.Most of the people expect that there should be a balance in everything and extremes should be avoided. Everyone is aware of the consequences of the extremism in the country and all over the world because excess of everything is not always good.
Fifteen- twenty years back the children at home and in the schools used to listen and obey the parents and teachers almost blindly but situation has changed now. Today they question for anything they feel uncomfortable with and at times, defy the parents and the teachers. This is becoming very common. In bigger cities parents and the teachers at times fear talking to their kids and they try to seek the help of each other and when both fail, the help of an outsider( mostly a counsellor)  is sought. Earlier the parents and teachers dominated but now it is vice-versa,the change is taking place where the children seem to be dominating. Once again this is another example of extreme.Neither the earlier situation was good nor the present situation is going to be good or helpful to the children.
In the past, girls were not considered  equal to the boys and were brought up in a different manner. Boys were always encouraged to study and given freedom to go out as and when they wanted to but there were many restrictions on the movement of the girls and in many cases they were denied the opportunity of getting education and go out with anybody. The best of everything,be it food, clothes,books or even education,was always given to the boys and the girls usually were kept away or ignored. So much so that the girls were interrogated for any mistake committed by them but the boys were pardoned,as if it was their right to commit mistakes. Now things have changed in this case also. The girls are treated in the same manner as the boys( may not be true in some cases) and that change happened for the betterment of women..Now the  girls have started doing certain things which only boys were expected to do. The girls are joining those areas which were meant only for boys. This is a good change but there are certain things which nature has made different in the boys and girls.  In the name of freedom and being equivalent to the  boys, they have started doing certain things which are not meant for them. A teacher was asked a question by a girl student that her brother is allowed to go out with his friends , then why was she not allowed? This was a very genuine question but to be answered very carefully. First, all should understand whether it is right what the boys do should also be done by the girls, even if whatever they are doing is not right. In the name of freedom or being equal or better than the boys or vice versa they should not do things against the law of the nature. The news regarding the involvement of the young girls in certain areas(which are bad for boys also) that are neither good for the health or otherwise, was startling . I have deliberately avoided mentioning them here because everyone is aware of the activities in which the girls are getting involved these days.

So, everyone should understand that excess of everything is bad and should try to be their own self,precisely what God has made them,in spite of being somebody else .The girls deserve all the appreciation and help and should be treated with dignity but they should remain girls and do not try to copy the boys in the name showing their status or position.


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