Importance of media

The recent happenings in middle east which gave fresh hopes to the people to voice their views could be possible largely due to the role played by media.The support which the movement of Sh.Anna Ji got was again possible on account of the media. In today`s world the newspapers, magazines and TV news channels have become an integral part of everybody`s life. TV and newspapers have contributed immensely in bringing the people of the world close to each other. Then why the media is criticised by many people?
There must be some genuine reasons for that ,but to blame media for everything happening wrong is not the right approach.It has been observed that many of those people who criticise media do not miss any opportunity to gain mileage by the same media.Lot many things are spoken about some wrong being done in rare cases, but who promotes that . A few months back a particular newspaper reporter declined so called gift offer by a government department on the occasion of some celebrations. For this offer, should the media be blamed or the individuals or the group or the organisation responsible for influencing the media? There have been cases which might not have become  public when people try to use their influence of barring  a news which might be against them. Why should it be done? There may be problems with some people in media but media as a whole and the role played by it should not be undermined.
Some people argue that media reports and  projects what the public want. But if you try to analyse the contents of newspapers and the TV channels, then it would be found that there is so much good available for every reader or viewer. This argument that you'll get  what you desire ,seems to have some logic. Because if in a newspaper there is some obscene picture, then do not pay attention to it because there is so much positive in the same newspaper on other pages. Every body is mature enough to choose from available things what they want.
Our newspapers and TV channels might have  some influence of the foreign media but think about national channels of Doordarshan and ask a question to those who criticise the other channels and say good about Doordarshan but rarely switch doordarshan channel on. The kind of programmes telecast on doordarshan including National,DD Bharti, DD urdu, DD news,DD Sports and many more are worth seeing by a family together but unfortunately the people who have access to other channels rarely watch DD.
 The media is like the energy of the youth.If used in the proper direction can be a blessing and if not ,can be dangerous also and all this depends upon the mind set of the people.
The media has played a very significant role in bringing out the scandals which otherwise people of the country would not have come to know. The question usually asked is why should media play the role of investigating agency ? True, but when enforcement agencies fail to act then media has to resort to such methods. All the scams in the recent past could come in the public domain ,courtesy media only. The people in power did admit the wrong done by them or others. If today they admit and promise to take action against the guilty ,media has played its role so effectively. There are many news reports in the interest of the public that the civil courts also take notice of the same.
There has been some damage done to the credibility of media due to the Radia tape episode in connection to 2G spectrum and other issues and it was shocking to many people, but nobody knows what were the circumstances in which that happened  except those who are suspected. But here also the question why those who are in power let the journalists get involved in those things which are not the part of their duty as journalist. If the public perception is correct who allowed them to act as agents and informers of some powerful people. Certainly it can not happen without selfish motive of those who are involved in that.
The media should also introspect if there is scope of doing things in a better way. Media should earnestly endeavour to regain the same respected image in the eyes of the public which they had and rightfully deserve. Many newspapers and the TV channels have announced  that if there is something wrong published or printed the public can register their views and action will be taken to rectify it.Hence,this becomes a universal truth that media is a very powerful tool for the people of the country and everyone should use it to the optimum for the good of the country and not to fulfill selfish motives.


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