Country of holidays

The new academic session started in most of the schools from 01 April and there would have been an enthusiasm among the students because they had moved from one class to a higher class. The parents must have also done quite a preparation. There are many children who go to a new school or for the first time and expect to be friendly with the schoolmates and the teachers.But unfortunately there have been a number of holidays in the last few days which disturb the routine of the schools and the planning of specific tasks get derailed. Many people will not agree with what is being shared but I always say these are my thoughts and I do discuss such issues with many people. This is true that not many parents and other people appreciate so many holidays but as these holidays have been decided by the government hence they expect the schools also to remain closed on these days.
One of the most respected educationist of the country mentioned sarcastically that the thrust is on enrollment of the children than the quality education.As per his information , the average number of working days in the schools nation wide is less than 200. It is surprising to know that when a survey was conducted , the number of working days were found to be less than 100 in few states due to different reasons. There are scheduled holidays and a few more are  because of climatic conditions. In the last few years it has been observed that the state governments follow each other in closing the schools due to extreme climatic conditions of the cold or heat waves. This is true that the children should not be exposed to unfavourable climatic conditions and all possible steps should be taken for the safety of the school going children ,but the local conditions should be taken into consideration. It has been found that the news of cold wave in Delhi alarms the people at other places also, though the whether there may be favourable but as the government of that state directs the schools to be closed ,hence the other states follow the same.Sometimes, it has been observed that the days when it was cold the schools were working and were closed when there was no need.The correct approach would be that it should be left to the local administration if they feel and deem it necessary ,they should close the schools accordingly, evaluating the extreme climatic conditions.
In the sixth pay commission report the suggestion was to reduce the number of holidays which many people had endorsed but due to reasons unknown that was not considered and the number of holidays remained same rather a few more were added.The country had the same holidays before adopting the five days a week culture(which has resulted in addition fifty two holidays) .The suggestion of having only three national holidays should be seriously considered and implemented. The number of holidays in many developed countries are much less than India. Take the case of USA, Spain,England, France and the list is quite long. These countries have progressed because of  their work culture and the sincerity towards the work.The news paper reports suggest contrary to that in our country.Rightly said by somebody that the countries do not progress when the people search for occasions to be on leave but when they seek for more opportunities to work.
 The right to education act has come into force and it mandates minimum number of working days in the schools and that is more than 200 days. To achieve that target the number of unplanned holidays should be curtailed. The school calender can be rescheduled as it has been observed in last few years that the severe cold is during first and second week of January and  the cold in the last week of December is tolerable. But as per the calender the winter break is in the last week of Dec.only and every year in many of the states the winter break is extended by a few days due to severe cold.
It is believed that in the schools the children not only study the subjects and take part in extra curricular activities but learn the lesson of the life and whatever they imbibe into them during the school years develops their attitude towards life and they act and perform accordingly in future.All the great people in whose name we celebrate the holidays (not really their birthdays) never advocated less work rather they worked more than anybody else. If they are to be honoured the countrymen should follow their deeds and actions rather than enjoying their birthdays as holidays.It becomes more  important for school children that some programmes are organised in the schools on these days and they are told and taught more about our great leaders.These great men are revered and respected irrespective of their religion,caste or clan.The children will learn better about them and definitely many of them will follow the path shown by our great ancestors.
The government should give a serious consideration to reduce the number of holidays and the citizens of the country should support this for the sake of the country`s progress.
Some people may feel offended by what has been written in this article but it is not to hurt anyone and this should be understood with a right perspective.  


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