Salute to all the citizens of the nation

Last few days have seen something which not many people had even thought in their dreams.One man , who has devoted his entire life for the cause of the people, could make the whole nation awake. The dark days of the last few months which witnessed so much revelation of corruption by the people who were directly or indirectly elected by the people of the country. The disclosures of different episodes of corruption had pushed the general public to a situation where they stopped having any faith in the system. Every body was in a state of shock and depression with little hope of improvement. The word  corruption  had become synonymous to cat. The children had started learning 'C' for corruption instead of the traditional 'C' for cat.Many people thought that no one is capable of bringing this country out of the grim state of affairs.  The progress made by the country and discussion about that was over shadowed by the menace of corruption. The high courts and also the supreme court expressed their concern in uncertain words, direction and the judgement.But unfortunately no serious efforts were made to curb or solve this problem of corruption which is consuming this country.The number of scandals which came out in the public in the last two to three years have made the earlier cases of corruption too small.
 But this great soul known to every one in the country and outside as Anna has given a ray of hope to those who have been suffering in silence. We thought that the youth of the country was more for self and the country was in their priority list. But it was a pleasant surprise to each one that the youth of the country is very much concerned for the cause of their nation.When respected Anna Hazare Ji sent letters to the prime minister and other cabinet ministers requesting for transparent draft committee panel for Lokpal bill, which no government earlier has taken in earnest .As reported in the newspapers the government even did not respond to these letters and of course action was not taken. This was three months back and after waiting for this, Anna Ji thought of doing what our father of nation taught and practiced. Initially once again, government did not take action and that made all the difference.This made the people of the country realise that they have to stand for Anna Ji and other people who are doing every thing possible for the public.
The old and young , boys and girls, men and women all joined him in their own way.It must have given a lot of relief and satisfaction to all those souls who may not be with us today but has given everything for the sake of the country. The people joined this movement on their own without any body being their leader. Every one behaved in a manner as they all were leaders fighting for a noble cause. During those four- five days there was no inconvenience caused to general public in any way . No damage was caused to the public or the private property as used to happen in this country in the name of protest. This was one of the most peaceful protest against the system without any harsh feelings towards any body.The most important outcome is the fulfilment of the demand of the civil society but more significant was the attitude of the youth of the country.It has been proved that youth is the storehouse of tremendous amount of energy and if some body shows them the right path they can do miracles.It was discussed quite often that today`s youth does not have many ideals for them. To whom they should look up to? They found one in Sh. Anna Ji and they showed their desire and commitment for their country.
Another important lesson learnt from this is that when it is not the cause for the benefit of an individual, group of people , caste or religion the people will come together and ensure that they are heard.When it is the common cause then the people stand together. The citizens of the country should understand that if the political leaders necessarily do not get some thing done for the common people, it can be done by them on their own.The political parties should also realise that only speaking and popular measures will not be enough but the real welfare and schemes implemented in the right spirit will make some difference. Rightly said by Anna Ji that those who are elected by the votes of the public are the servants and not the masters.
The people sincerely hope that there will not be more Rajas in the future once the Lokpal bill is drafted sincerely and then passed by the parliament in the right spirit.They hope that our prime minister will also exert to the best of his ability and  act in such an effective manner so that his image of Mr. Clean is restored . The people have not yet forgotten his pat on the back of a minister who was forced to quit ministry  after one of  the biggest scandal was out in the in the public.The knowledgable members of parliament can also learn many lessons from this, it is not always necessary to shout or walkout from the parliament on even any issues.
The role of the media has also been very positive and it appeared that they were not doing it for the sake of TRP but genuinely felt for the cause.So this is another important outcome that media of our country do play very important role for the right cause. They also need someone who is not doing anything for self but for the country.

Comparing Anna Ji with father of the nation may not be appropriate but as rightly said by a young girl that for them he is Gandhi Ji because they had not seen him and only read about him. They saw Anna Ji replicating the action of the father of the nation.
The nation is proud of the youth of the country and this incident has proved many people wrong particularly those who used to think that the youth was becoming self centred .If guided and lead well by elders they can do wonders.
May God bless the citizens of this great country.
Jai Bharat


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