Save Earth- Save self

Every year, 22nd April  is celebrated as earth day and many programmes are organised all over the world and leaders and the ones who are in a position to take decisions promise lot many things to be done to save earth. It was way back in 1970 when an American senator initiated campaign to save earth and from then onward this is repeated every year on this day. So many conferences and meetings are held on this day and during the year but not much has been changed by that. It has been reported that in the last about 20 years the carbon dioxide emission has been increased by approximately 40%  which has resulted in the temperature increase by about 1%. Due to the increase in temperature the glaciers are melting at a  fast rate and if this continues , all glaciers will be depleted by year 2040. The level of sea water is rising every year and in the next 50-60 years many countries and the cities will become a history.I may not be the competent person to elaborate on the disastrous results of the man`s activity in the name of development but the way things are seen today and what the environmentalists and the scientists say it will be very be difficult for future generations to survive on the earth.
There are many factors responsible for this but this has been reported that the CO2 emission is primarily because of the consumption of the crude oil and the coil (which fortunately is likely to finish by 2050). Due to this the ozone layer is depleting very fast and this is another serious concern because the radiation which was blocked by this will reach the earth and cause serious diseases. There are already lot many chemicals which have made the fertile land on the earth polluted and that finally affects the health of the human beings and also the habitats of animals and the birds etc. are disturbed. The change  in climatic conditions is becoming a serious problem for everyone specially the farmers who do not know what should be the proper cycle of the production of crops.
Now if do not consider the measures taken by governments of different countries and try to understand what a common can do, I think that will be a great help to the states and the speed with which the earth is being destroyed will be reduced. The small steps taken by all can make significant contribution and the future generations will be able to live a happy and a healthy life. The citizens should reduce their dependency on the use of vehicles which consume petrol and diesel. The short distances should be covered either on foot or by bicycle because it has been observed that people use cars and scooters etc even if the distance to be covered is less than half a kilometre. The office going people can arrange the journey to and from the office in one car that transports four five people from the same area or on the same route i.e carpool. The use of the public transport will also help in reducing the use of individual vehicles. This will reduce the consumption of petrol and diesel.
 Other step taken is to consume electricity judiciously because the coal is used in the generation of electricity. All should ensure that the lights, fans, air conditioners and television etc. are switched off when not in use .The buildings should be constructed in a manner so that during day time their is enough sun light and the artificial light is not used. The use of unconventional sources of energy should be adopted. Solar water heaters, wind mills, ( whereever possible) solar cells can reduce the consumption of the coal and the crude oil upto a great extent.In India the government is giving subsidy on such measures if adopted by the people.
 The government should also take some strict measures like not allowing the production of the cars and two wheelers indiscriminately and limit the number of vehicle which can be produced and registered in a city and also all over the country.  The example by Singapore government and by some other countries have shown significant improvement and other countries should follow that.Indiscriminate use of the ground water resourses should also be controlled. There should be some laws framed and the people should be discouraged to dig bore wells as per their own requirement.Rainwater harvesting can solve this problem considerably. The water should also be conserved and in this all the citizens can play their role without much inconvenience.The schools and the colleges can contribute a lot in the conservation of water and electricity. The children should be taught and encouraged to ensure that water is precious and should not be wasted. Recycling plant in schools and hospitals and other big buildings can be another method of saving water.Why is it so important, because when the ground water is extracted,electricity is used and as known to all production of electricity consumes coal and the crude oil and the consumption of these increase the CO2 emission which ultimately is the cause of all the problems.
Hence, inspite of depending on the governments ,the people should take initiative to save earth and live a better life for self ,children and the posterity.  Some body has rightly said that when we try to save earth , we indirectly save our self.


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