Positive thoughts of the teacher can change the environment of the class

The word teacher makes every one feel that some thing different and great is around.The word itself radiates positive thinking in the mind of all and expectations rise to great heights. If the word itself  is so powerful then the one who is a teacher, should be equally great whose presence only should make the difference. But do all teachers realize  about their importance and the role played by them in the nation building? The country and the society need scientists,politicians,officers, technocrats,charted accountants,economist and many more but who moulds them. Undoubtedly, a teacher is the one who is responsible for building the base of all these people.If the base is good then the rest will definitely be good. At times teachers are not able to define and decide their role in and outside the school or the college.Is it only to teach the content or something beyond that?. This is true that teachers do not necessarily teach, but the children learn. A teacher`s role is that of a facilitator and providing a platform to the children to showcase their potential.They are not blank slate but full of energy and the teacher has to ensure that the energy comes out for the positive of the society and the nation. So the very important role of the teacher is to recognise the talent of the child and help him to develop it further.A notion that floats nowadays is that children do not listen to the teachers and they do what they want and are more influenced by their peer group than anybody else.But have we ever tried to find out the reason for that because for every action of a child there is some reason.
There are innumerable examples where a teacher could make difference in the performance of the children of the class.There is a school in south and the students in that school are doing very well. The school entry has a board with a line that, this is positive thought zone and no negative should be talked or discussed here. The impact is that there is no case of  indiscipline in that school and everybody is cheerful.There can be many such examples in day to day life in every school where one or the other teacher could bring a positive change  in the class.Only thing is that we have to discuss and highlight such cases so that other teachers also understand and realise the importance of being positive in the class,school and even outside the school.How  the patience of a teacher can change the situation in the class and behavior of a child ,is stated by the example mentioned below.The case is of  a new teacher who has not taught ever before and was given a class in a school of good repute. As happens with everyone ,she was a bit nervous .The students were curious to welcome the new teacher.She found most of the students very disciplined and sharing their thoughts with her.In the meantime, she noticed one child not paying attention to her and doing something else. Initially, she ignored him but the next say also she found the same attitude of the child and as other students were getting disturbed she asked the child to pay attention and be alert in the class. When he did not follow her she asked him to sit on a chair close to her. The child refused to follow the instructions given by the teacher thrice. She must have felt very bad because she was hurt in the presence of  forty students.But she did not say anything to the child and allowed him to sit where he was sitting and continued with  the class.It was the patience and positive attitude of the teacher which allowed the situation to remain normal ,otherwise if the child was forced to do what she wanted ,the things would have been different.She thought of talking to the child next day so that the reason for that kind of behavior could be found out. When she went to the class, to her pleasant surprise, she found the child sitting where she wanted him to sit and also he  remained attentive  throughout her period .What made this to happen ? The answer is certainly, the positive attitude of the teacher and her desire to help the student.
There can be many such examples which changed the life of the students for better just due to the positive attitude of the teachers. So ,all those who are educators or aspire to be teachers should understand the real meaning of the word teacher and expectations all around them. The positive attitude of the teachers will make all the difference in the life of a student.If the teacher comes to school with a positive attitude thinking that all children of his class are good  and enters the class with the same feelings the environment of the class will change for the good . It is not easy to do so when you have children from different backgrounds and basic values learnt but, it is very much possible to create a positive environment in the class and if all teachers do the same then the school will be a happy place not only for the children but also for everyone as well.       


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