Major cause of stress among children

Change is inevitable and it does not happen without inconvenience.Many people think that  the children nowadays mature before time. In most cases, people feel good about it but when it comes to friendship with opposite sex, not many are comfortable with it.The counsellors and psychologists are serious about such immature relationships.The major problem in our society is that we feel shy of discussing such issues in public.I also took quite long before deciding to write something which is affecting our children because they are not guided or advised properly by elders.There was a debate few years back to make sex education as a part of school curriculum but there was  a lot of opposition from many corners. People both in favour and against had their point of view but they agree that something needs to be done in that direction so that our children do not go off the track.
It has been found in many cases that the problem between two teenagers was because they liked the same person. There have been examples where the child attempted something abnormal because the one whom he/she wanted to be friendly with did not respond favourably.Earlier it used to be so when the children were of the age group of 15 to 18 years but now this starts well before that age. It may be shocking to many people that the children of age 10 to 11 years have started falling in this category.The point of discussion here would not be whether this is right or wrong but my worry as a teacher is to save the child from getting into depression due to such problems because that will hamper the progress of the child in any field.The elders should pay attention towards this issue.The kids should be counselled and guided properly in spite of scolding and threatening them. Two extreme reactions have been observed of the parents.In one case the parents stop interacting with the kids once they suspect such issues. In other case they put so many restrictions on them that the children fell suffocated and become rebellion.Both the reactions have adverse effect on the children.
All must understand that the children are exposed to so much information available to them through media and the Internet and they tend to get influenced by that. The outdoor activities for the children is a rare commodity nowadays. The nuclear family system has greatly multiplied the problem. The houses have  become big due to which the distance between parents and the children has increased. Most of the time the children do not find parents at home when they need to share certain problems with them.The lack of communication between the two has drifted the children away from parents and they find a place with friends and out of that also mostly friends from opposite sex. It starts from infatuation and finally turns into obsession towards the other person.Many people will be surprised to know that to have a friend from opposite sex has become a fashion and someone not having one is considered inferior.Also at times they are considered to be outcaste by their own peer group.I shall avoid elaborating on the same but this is a fact which can not be denied.The parents and the teachers are the ones who should help the children. It is not that the children were not affected by this natural phenomenon earlier but the impact was not very serious as it is today because there were many people who used to be the friends of the child at home.
When a child is not able to do well in different activities and appears to be withdrawing self, the parents and teachers should pay attention and try to understand the reason for the same. It may be any reason like the health or studies or stress. But this aspect of the problem should also be looked into.The children should not be doubted on their being friend with a girl or a boy, but they should be told the meaning of the friendship.If the parents and teachers find it difficult then the help of the counsellors should be sought and then they should act accordingly.

Such kind of behavior of the children should be taken as normal but not to be allowed to the extent so that the children tend to be depressed. All should try to understand the problem and find the solution which may be different for different children. The teachers should be very careful not to discuss such things even with their colleagues, if the child has confided his problems in them. Because such talks will not help the child but put more pressure on him/her.We may not talk of the sex education publicaly but, there should be someone to guide the children even before they fall into this stage and discuss about the problems and  its  after effects. If the children are guided well at the right time they will be saved from a difficult situation they might fall into because of the ignorance of parents and teachers.This will not only enable them to become confident but also help them to counter their stress and fear.


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