Teachers need to impart quality teaching.

While thinking to write more about the problems faced by the children at home and in the school ,I happen to read a quote in one of the books which gave me direction for the topic to be shared with you today. A child expresses his views in response to the parents desire or may be the teacher. And while doing so, he raises a very important issue. The conclusion drawn from the  statement is that every child wants to learn but may not be always wanting to be taught. It is a very important lesson to be learnt by all teachers and the parents. If a serious thought is given to day -to- day life at home and also in the school, it is noticed that children are forced to do so many things though they may not be wanting to do that. For example, the child has just come back from outside, may be from the playground or the coaching class or may be was with the friends for sometime. During this time the mother or father or somebody else must have been thinking about his/ her studies and that makes them to react in a manner which the child may not understand and if suddenly he/she is told to concentrate on his studies than wasting time outside, the child may sit in the chair having books opened in front of him but will not be able to concentrate. Then take the example of the class in which the children are keen to discuss certain problems related to a subject or a personal issues and the teachers are wanting them to focus on the studies and pay attention to the them only. In both the cases the child is not wanting to be taught but that does not mean that he does not want to learn. May be when he had come from outside he had something to share with somebody at home and learn something through that discussion. Why is it so that when somebody sits in the chair and seems to be serious than only learning is considered to be taking place?
All should understand that learning takes place in every situation. If the children are to be taught then then they should be prepared for such a learning. After all they are human beings and not the machines which can be made to work by pressing buttons.Here the emotional intelligence of the teachers come handy and they are the ones who can change the situation in such a way that the children enjoy the teaching and that will surely facilitate the learning as well. Emotionally intelligent parents and the teachers are the ones who are most sought after and the children wait to meet and talk to them. An example will make this aspect more clear.There is a class in which seven teachers teach different subjects and the students in that class are considered to be good. But after a few days, two teachers complain to the principal regarding the behavior of the children and are upset ,whereas with other teachers the children are really happy and want to learn as much as possible. Now try to understand why is it so because in both the cases the children are same but their behavior seems to be different? This is because in one case they do not want to be taught (that does not mean that they do not want to learn)  and in the second case they  want to be taught and eventually learn more. Now the two teachers in whose class the children do not want to be taught should try to understand the reason for the same. But most of the time they blame the children and never try to create an environment in which the children get ready to be taught. It is not an easy thing to do but nothing can be achieved without ensuring first that the children are ready to be taught.
Another example is of those parents who take pride in discussing about their child`s achievements or otherwise on all available opportunities.Once a couple was invited by their friend to dinner and they reached the house at appointed time. After formal welcome the host thought of discussing with guests regarding the studies of their daughter.After formal welcome and some discussions ,the host asked the guest ,what should be done so that their daughter performs well in a particular subject though she was doing very well in other subjects. The girl was probably studying in her study room and she could over hear the conversation going on and she all of a sudden shouts from inside that she was not good in any subject. Then the hosts forced the girl to come outside and sit with guests and learn something from them so that she improves in that particular subject also( the guest couple were teachers).The child was not keen to come out but came and sat quietly. The guest could understand the state of mind of the child and started talking to her related to the topics she was interested in. After some time she got involved in the talks and started discussing things so well that the guest felt very happy. But then again the father asked her to go inside and study for the next day`s test.
 Now in this situation when the child was studying she was forced to come and sit with someone she did not know very well and when she started learning something then she was made to go inside and do the thing which she was not immediately ready for. The example seem to be simple but it carries an important message for everyone.


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