Census 2011-Surprising and shocking revelation

Census 2011 data have been released recently and the country should be proud of the progress made in certain areas in the last ten years. The detailed report is yet to be released but whatever could be available through the media report, there are many interesting facts released. One of the most important achievement is that population growth chart has gone down. The percentage population  growth has  decreased from 23.8 to 21.5 which is a positive sign. If the government takes it more seriously the population growth can be controlled in a more effective manner. The literacy rate  has also gone up in both the cases i.e. male as well as female.
But one surprising element in the census is regarding the sex ratio variation. The best ratio has been reported from Kerela and the worst is in case of Haryana as far as far as the states are concerned. The literacy percentage is also the highest in Kerela and the lowest has been reported from Bihar.So it appears from this that  if literacy rate is good the sex ratio is also favourable and the saying that if you provide education the standard of living and approach of the people  towards certain issues will change for positive. But the shocking revelations come from one of the most prosperous  state of the country and that is Haryana. The Mewat region in Haryana is considered to be a backward region reported with the lowest literacy rate. Mewat`s sex ratio is reported to be having 906 female for every 1000 males while the state average is 877 females for every 1000 males. But this region has the lowest literacy rate of 56.14 compared to the state literacy rate of 76.04. Gurgaon  has been reported to be most literate at 84.44% but the sex ratio is 861 females for every 1000 males.Does it not make us worried about the fact that barring Kerela, in most of the states and the districts, literacy rate improvement has adversely affected the sex ratio. If seen at national level,  the sex ratio is better in rural areas than urban areas. If we try to analyse the same on tehsil and block level, there also the sex ratio is better in case of 'less literacy rate region' than the area where the literacy rate is better. So it makes the things little complicated.The  question is , that is the drive for literacy making desired improvement or it is otherwise.Few years back somebody tried to understand the impact of literacy rate on the sex ratio in the district of Jodhpur and the information available that time was almost disturbing. The blocks and tehsil where the literacy was more the sex ratio was adverse.Khazan Singh Sangwan the dean of social science in MDS university says"Sex ratio and the prosperity coupled with urbanisation and literacy are adversely related with each other. Sex ratio is found to be better among backward classes and poor section of the society. Mewat region is backward on almost  all counts but the sex ratio is the best in the state.So should we make the people literate and be happy with that or provide the education and that will enhance the quality of life. In education it should just not be the education but quality education which should change the thought process of the citizens for their good.
 The policy makers should pay attention to the information available through the census and take necessary steps. The example of Kerela should be studied that why is it an exception to something when compared with all the states.The conclusion seems to be that eduction given is not making the desired impact on the people. The social problems which have been existing in the country for centuries could have been solved up to considerable extent if the education provided had positive influence on the people. Prosperity in terms of material gains is all right but if the social evils can not be tackled or eradicated , it leaves a gap in all areas.That is why it is said that education policy should be such which improves the life of all citizens irrespective of the caste, religion or gender.The literacy rate of the female is still low in comparison to male literacy rate.
When it comes female foeticide again the data shows that it is in less literate and poor set-ups than in the affluent families. This may be due to the reason that affluent families have more access to means and methods used in that.The situation will not improve until the objective of the education and more importantly  the quality of the education is improved. Social awareness should be well fabricated in the system of education and even in the drive of making more people literate. Making them able to sign and read a few things will not change the scenario. As mentioned above, the example of Kerela should be studied and the prevailing social policies of this state, if possible should be implemented in other states also. This survey should not be allowed to be just an academic record for the sake of information and for questions to be asked in competitive examinations, rather it should become an ideal example to change the mindset of the people for a promising future.


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