Let me study and learn in the class

The thrust of my thoughts has always been on the role played by the parents and the teachers in the life of a child. Some people ask if it is not the duty and responsibility of the children also to think about themselves, their future and the sensitivity towards others particularly their own peers who want to do well in life? Another question raised is, what is the right age up to which children are to be supported, guided and counselled and when are they expected to take their own decisions?
This is well known to everyone that the brain of the child develops maximum up to the age of five and the development is almost complete by the time the child is ten years old. Though  learning is a  life long journey which never ends till a person is alive but this usually takes place based on the desire and will power of an individual.Everyone keeps learning one thing or the other every moment. The children should be given freedom of doing things themselves from the age of five or six years and after ten or eleven years the children should be given responsibility to think and decide about their future. It means when the child is in class sixth, he/ she is expected to be able to think what is good and what is not good for self and also for others. But this positive or negative perception will depend upon the upbringing of the child by the time he/she is ten years old.
There have been questions asked by the parents of those children who are doing well in the school, but other children do not let them study or disturb the class.The genuine concern of such parents is ,why their children should suffer because of the behavioral problems of the other children? All should realise that the school has the responsibility to ensure that every child is looked after well and made to learn good things and at the same time to provide best possible environment to all children so that they exploit their potential to the optimum. Many a times parents and also the teachers want some action to be taken against such elements who disturb the harmony of the class.It is right that every child has a right to study without any disturbance but think about the parents of the children who may not be so fortunate as other parents are.No parent feel happy when he/she is called to the school and told about the negative behavior of their child. This does not mean that they should be allowed to disturb others but, at the same time such children need to be tackled with sympathy because whatever they are doing today is the result of the values or the learning they had in the first ten or eleven years of their being on this earth. Should only they be blamed and punished for that or we elders are also to share some responsibility?
The parents and teachers should analyse the situation and take remedial measure so that such children improve. In this the parents can play a very important role by helping the schools in their pursuit to improve the child.The other children(those who are keen to study in the class) should also understand that if the same case was with them then what would be their expectations from the school and other children`s parents? This is a difficult issue to be handled so easily but nobody has discussed about it in open seriously. Thanks to some of the students who asked this question to the principal of a school -why should they suffer in the class because of unruly behavior of some of the students in the class. The principal tried to advise them that the number of students who want to study should be much  more than that of those who disturb the class and they said yes it was exactly like that.Then ,why the majority of the children are being driven by the other individual or may be a group of children? If they do not support them, then no class will ever be disturbed but unfortunately in this country this has been the path shown by the elders to the children. Look at the society and you will realise exactly the same happens there also. Some negative element drive everything the way they want and so called positive thinkers keep discussing such issues in their drawing rooms only.                   
Let us come back to basic question ,what should be done for such students who are not interested to study. The habit of not studying may be due to certain reasons, but not letting others study does not have any justification. The teachers will have to work hard to make sure that there is no disturbance in the class and all the children learn. If it is not so at least those students who want to study, they should not be allowed to suffer due to the action of others. Sometimes it is observed that the teachers stop teaching if one or two children  try to disturb the class. This is not justified that just because of two children you make  others suffer.
There may be different reasons of such behavior .One of the major factor may be that mainly those children do such things who otherwise are not able to perform well in any scholastic or co-scholastic area in or outside the school. They want to be noticed by others and as this is not possible by achieving something good, hence they get involved in negatives. Sometimes it may be due to that the child has already studied that topic in the coaching class or knows that even if not understood here, can be discussed with the tuition teacher in the evening.
The other reason might be that the child has not been treated well either by the friends or the parents and the teachers.Sometimes the children know it well that their parents have all the resources and the power that they will get admission in any of the schools and the colleges or they might feel that degree may not be of any use to them because the father has already built an empire for him/ her. There can be many examples where the child was given a factory or a showroom even before he/she knew anything about that. .  Everybody must try to analyse the case and then take corrective measures.
All said and done but all should ensure that the children who come to school to learn should not be allowed to suffer because of a few students who do not want to learn good things in the school.Nobody should be given the liberty of disturbing others and this can happen only when the parents do not support the children inspite of knowing that their child is at fault. Punishment of any kind is no solution but the child should be made to realise and understand that he /she had done something wrong which disturbed the other children . All children have right to study and  learn, but they also have a duty to let others study and learn.


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