Stress and tension- Two major cause of concern

The youth of today is often found complaining of the stress and the pressure in which they are working today. Prominent news reports of fat packages lure children to get a placement in an organisation which pays them the most. This is very natural but should it be the money only which is to be a considered or the liking and the interest in a particular task undertaken by individuals. Young people keep talking that though they have means but do not have time to make use of those means. Some people keep working for months together and do not get time to purchase essential things of daily use.The work pressure is so much they hardly get any time to think of their family.There are so many young people specially in big cities who do not wish to get married because they consider it to be a hurdle in their progress. Those who get married do not want to have children because they feel that they will not be able to do justice to the kids.Staying alone away from the family do not make things better for them. Late marriages are becoming common which will result in having children in advanced age.This is proven medically that the appropriate age for having kids is between 23 years to 30 years. Beyond 30 years there may arise health complications to the mother as well as the child.This is the scenario of as  many young people as you come across.
The young children are also going through stressful life due to various factors.The cases of the children taking extremes steps are on increase. Some of them leave home because they were scolded by someone at home or were not allowed to purchase something which they wished for, in their interest. The report in the cover story of one of the newspapers which revealed that a child took extreme step because he was not provided some item he has asked for,was shocking. In most of the cases parents are not able to understand what to do. The children will do what they have learnt through different sources. Is this on account of the education system which has made them like this or the actions and environment at home or in the school.Few years back a child shot at his classmate when he was of the around 12-13 years and hailed from a good family background. Why have the children become so impatient and react so negatively?
The stress among the children is cause of concern for all but ,how to tackle it is very important. The steps taken to reduce should not prove to be counterproductive. Reducing syllabus and changing the pattern of evaluation may not have much effect.Reducing quality and not letting the children face any hardship will also not help them rather will make them weak. Having no examination is also no solution because we face trials and tribulations every day and every moment in our lives.The children cannot achieve without working hard themselves.Rightly said by somebody that the steps should be taken to make teaching - learning a joyful exercise for the children than focusing on evaluation only. Scientific advisor to the prime minister rightly mentioned that the country seems to have only the examination system and no education system. Evaluation and  assessment is an integral part of education.Education prepares everybody to face the challenges of the life.Examinations are not the only reason for the children to do something extreme because there are many other factors also responsible for that.
Those factors should also be identified and corrective measures should be taken at the earliest.Once when Swami Vivekanand Ji went to his Paramhans Ji and asked how could he see and meet God. His Guru took him to sea shore and made him to go into deep water and left. Vivekand Ji had to fight himself for his life.The guru told him that when you reach to that extreme desire of achieving something you will get that yourself and not by the help of the parents or Guru. They can suggest you the path rest is to be taken care of ,by you! In today`s world the children are much aware of their rights ,courtesy media and NGOs and the information given by the schools and the parents. But one thing that is seriously wrong is that in this process nobody is talking about their duties towards the elders and themselves. The habit of the parents to arrange for everything before the child completes his/her request.Providing help for any small thing is making children more dependent on the parents and teachers. And if it happens for long time then they become habitual of eating from a silver platter. Elders should be very careful to understand the difference between  guidance and help.
Let the children be allowed to find solution of any problem they face and the elders should intervene only when they are really required. This will teach the children lessons of self dependence. This will also make them learn how to take failure in life because success and failure are the two sides of the coin. If this is done the stress and the tension will automatically be taken care of.


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