Faith and trust two most important pillars of progress

It was a pleasure for me to interact and communicate with large number of parents who came to our school in connection to admission of their child/ward. As it has been in my nature to learn more about the expectations and needs of the children and their parents from a school and hence  I always take advantage of such an opportunity when it comes my way.
We discussed on number of issues and as expected I did not have answer of many issues raised by parents but one thing was clear that if we parents and teachers sit together there are bright chances of taking care of many problems, our children are facing today.One of the important issued discussed was how to preserve our basic values in this in age of information available to all from different sources. The second important issue raised was the trust deficit between schools and community which unfortunately is  increasing day by day.If it continues this way then it is gong to be disturbing for everyone of us, particularly our children.
Now the question arises how to rebuilt this lost trust and faith in each other?
There seems to be no single solution for that. The schools and parents cannot be seen in isolation because they are also the part of system and the community. If we look around, what we find  that there is suspicious kind of atmosphere and people first doubt somebody and if proved otherwise then they believe.We are rapidly loosing faith in the system and each other even in close relationships.It is unfortunate that we have started loosing faith in the whole system of governance.
All relations are important but Guru Shishya relationship is one of the most important.It is the responsibility of teachers and parents that this relationship is built on trust and faith so that our children are able to exploit their potential for the benefit of family, society and the country.To build this trust parents and teachers must interact with each other and reach to a conscientious decision ,what is the best for the individual child . Communication will take care of most of the problems.We must respect each other and also the views expressed by others . We may not necessarily agree on all issues but common approach can be adopted.
I am quite optimistic and hopeful that this relationship will grow stronger and we shall see things in right perspective.
With a hope for better future of our kids.
Your own -always a learner who is grateful to you all for making him what he is today.


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