Discipline-A key to success

What happened in Japan on 11th march 2011 was one of the worst natural disaster in the recent past. The people of Japan will take long time to come out the tragedy. Whatever has happened can not be undone but at the same time the brave people of Japan have taught many lessons to the world such as, how to act and react during and after such unfortunate incidents. As per the newspaper reports the citizens of Japan behaved very responsibly and there was not much of panic.It has been reported that though the people were without food and water for days but there was no cry against the system or the government. When food and other essential commodities were distributed the people were standing in queues and waiting for their turn.Even  the items purchased  from the shops were taken in limited  quantity so that enough was left for other citizens also. The employees and other volunteers kept working in the damaged nuclear plants despite the fact that they knew of the dangers to their life.This explains how could Japanese reach to the the level of progress after the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
This teaches a lesson to everyone about the importance of the discipline in life.If there is no discipline than challenges will arise everywhere.Then what is discipline and its role in the life of an individual and the society? Discipline can be considered as doing things as per the expected norms of the life and rules set by the society.The nature is the best example of discipline.Every thing happens as per the set pattern and whenever something is done against that , the consequences are usually not good.There systems and procedures are decided and set by the society and governments keeping in mind the welfare of the people of that country.There are norms and procedures in all organisations and similarly in schools and colleges also . The countries and the organisations where people live a disciplined life and follow rules and regulations, they witness a rapid progress and most of them are happy. Discipline is important in every walk of life but it is most important in the life of a student particularly school going children because basics of the life are learned by them in the schools.It has been observed that whenever any problem arises in the society, the people  ask that particular problem or issue to be included in school curriculum as a subject. Be it traffic rules, environment safety,pollution control, water conservation, energy conservation, peace, terrorism and many more such problems.It is done because everyone feels that children should learn and take care of such issues in future.But the most important thing  which seems to be ignored is: discipline which the children can learn in the schools . Certain incidents which have been reported in the newspapers in the last few years are very disturbing.The level of the discipline appears to be diminishing and that is affecting the child's over all progress.The exact consequences of that may not be realised by the people now but the repercussions are not going to be good for the society and the nation in future.In the name of freedom of doing anything and the freedom of speech, discipline should not be pushed in a corner.It is true that individuals must be allowed for the safety of their own dignity but that should not be done at the cost of others dignity.Take the example of the body. If any of the organ or the part of the body gets upset or damaged the whole body gets disturbed.In this the damaged part should be looked after well but not at the cost of the whole body. If some surgery is required that should be done otherwise for the sake of one part, the whole body might get damaged.And that is why rules and regulations should be decided keeping in mind not only an individual but the whole group or the society. Once this is done then everybody should follow that and those not following should be dealt with as per the law of the land.Most of the people in an organisation or a country  want to be disciplined but there will always be a few who would try to defy the rules and break them. In this case the law should be enforced effectively so that those who are disciplined are encouraged and the other lot is made to follow the rules. It has been observed that that if you do not take any action against indiscipline then other people also start resorting to the same means and the number of people not following rules will increase .An example will clarify this point. When some one from India visits Singapore or any country in Europe he/ she follows the rules of that country. Like the people will always stand in line,car and bus drivers will stop on zebra crossing if they see some one crossing or trying to cross the road. No body will spit on the roads and  litter here and there. If all do that in those countries including the Indians then why the same does not happen in India?
The answer is well known to all but not many are ready to take initiative and that is the reason the voice of the people who are really wanting to do some thing for the country goes unheard. It has been experienced that many a times there are individuals and groups who come and disturb the people wanting to do things in disciplined manner and go Scot free This should be stopped so that the number of the people doing good do not decrease.
If a sustainable growth of the country is expected ,then the citizens of the country should be disciplined.For that the children at home and schools should be taught the lesson of discipline not only by words but by actions too. If all in the family and the society will lead a disciplined life then the children will automatically learn that and the countrymen will not have to learn this lesson from the citizens of other countries.Let discipline not be taken  as a punishment but a tool to live and let others live a peaceful life.  


  1. Just when i was thinking that sir should write on this natural disaster in Japan , i come across this one and sir it's really true that discipline is key trait for a nation to grow !!Beautifully written with substance> i really like this last line
    "let discipline not be taken as punishment but a tool to libe"


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