Role of parents and society-For the child and the teacher

This is rightly said that child is the father of man and it can be seen in many a cases that thinking of the parents change ( for the good) on arrival of a kid in the family.The child as well as the parents affect the life of each other and this is also equally true that the role of the teacher and the society gains importance in the life and upbringing of the children. Thinking and the attitude of parents is the first impact on the mind of child which is carried by him/her life long. Then the role of teachers becomes very important and it is the teacher who can make all the difference in the life of a child.
To do that teachers can not work in isolation but hand in hand with parents and the society. It is absolutely true that parents and the teachers consider the child`s welfare and the well being the most important activity of their life. They are ready to do every thing possible for the children and assure them of a good future. The expectations of the society from the parents as well as the teachers are on similar lines. But the question asked is-what is the meaning of education? Is education understood by parents and teachers  only to make a child worth earning livelihood or  it is the tool to live the life to help all people around him? To earn money is important and also necessary but that should not be the only motive and objective of education.
In earlier times the teacher were paid respect not because they were teachers but also because  they were away from the materialistic things.There is one incident in Mahabharat that when Guru Dron`s son was crying for the milk, his mother gave him water mixed with wheat flour. It shows that despite Guru Dron being one of the most respected person in Hastinapur he never thought in terms of money and materialistic things.The time has changed, which is very natural and the people can not remain unaffected by this change. The relationships which were considered very pious and pure in nature have also been affected by the money factor.Most of the people are in the race of accumulating the wealth and at times this is done by using unfair means also.No body approves that directly but not much is being done to stop that.
But one thing which remains unchanged is the expectations from  teachers and the role to be played by them. They are still considered to be the role model for the children and the society. But can the teachers work or exist in isolation? Are they not the part of the same society in which the thinking and attitude towards life has changed so fast?
A recently released  film " Do Duni Char" reflects on the life of a teacher, in which he is shown like the one who is not expected to provide the basic things to his family what other people can do. But at the same time one character attribute in which a parents want the child to be promoted by the teacher ,which the teacher denies because he had never done it before, describes his committment and determination.The parent says" Master ji hum to mithai banate hai kharab ban gayee to koi baat nanhi parantu aap to jindgi banate ho aap woh kharab nahin kar sakte." Meaning there by that a sweetmeat  seller prepares sweets only, if some of them are not prepared well then it will not affect much, but  a teacher moulds the life and future of the child and he/ she can not afford to commit  a mistake. This speaks of the volume of the responsibility of the teacher. But as mentioned earlier the teacher alone will not be able to fulfil this responsibility until supported by the parents and the society. They will have to repose faith and confidence on the teacher and take his advice with positive mindset and not against anybody. the teacher is expected to be given that respect and the proper place in the society which they deserve. This will be good for the children,parents and the society as well. If that will happen then only parents will motivate and allow their children to become teachers in future and the children will also think the same way. It is not the money only which drives the children away from this important assignment but the major factor is that the children are not made aware of the pious role played by the teachers. A group of students student had spoken to their principal that in the name of not saying any thing to the children are the children not being allowed to be indisciplined . They themselves told that until the teachers are respected ,then why would somebody think of becoming a teacher, if there would be other options available to him? It has been observed that at times the parents talk to the teachers in a rude manner even in the presence of the child which does not help the child to develop positive attitude towards the teacher.The parents are expected to convey their feelings to the teachers but that should be done in a dignified manner. It is very important issue and should be debated so that children are in the care of the best of the teachers. Deserving teachers should be appreciated and encouraged and odd cases should not be portrayed as a blot on the whole of the teaching community . There may be few cases where the teacher does not behave as expected but that can not be generalized. Let the deserving teachers be given due respect and the place they deserve in the society.


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