Problems have solutions also

Dear friends,
We have just celebrated the festival of colours, Holi and almost all took a pledge to get rid of old animosity and start the life with new zeal and faith in each other. But many people and organisations kept away from the celebrations due to unfortunate incidents that happened in the last few days/months. What happened in Sawai Madhopur and Jodhpur has disturbed all the citizens and every body is asking a question, could these incidents be avoided? The innocent people who have lost their lives will not come back by anything we do now but, should we ensure that such incidents do not re-occur?
The young man  lost his life for the sake of getting justice for another person. What has been reported in  a newspaper if that is true, then we as parents have to answer  many questions to ourselves. The report (as told to the reporter of the news paper by the friend of the deceased man) states that the young man had spoken to his  friends about what he could do to get the justice for the sufferer and also be able to draw the attention of the public. He perhaps did mention about his plan to climb the water tank and ask for the justice from there.
We can debate on why did he do this as there were other ways also to achieve what he wanted to. I shall not elaborate on that but confine only to what made him to do that. Popularity might have been one of the factors for his action, but what we observe around us today is that when we ask for genuine things to be done politely, perhaps not much attention is paid to that but at the same time if a group of people indulges doing something which may be not even as per law, they are heard and we try to find solution for the problem, rather we provide the solution. Is it not like that a child will not get attention until he/ she cries.  Is this the right approach?
Was this young man, victim of the defect in the bringing up of the children nowadays? Because we have observed that the children at times try to misuse the affection of the parents by black mailing them. It has come to the notice of teachers that parents surrender to unjust demands of the children due to not being able to counsel them.I can not say for sure but there must have been mixed  factors responsible for the unfortunate incident.
What happened after that is more dangerous and shameful. The crowd, which did not do anything to save the life of a young man very easily  took life of a young officer who was trying to save the young man.We can blame the police and the administration but the society should also introspect. It has been observed that, if unfortunately a casualty happens due to some accident, the people in spite of helping the injured, indulge in agitations like burning the vehicles and blocking roads etc.
We must try to analyse that and take corrective measures. Our children who read and watch negative  incidents learn wrong way of getting their demands met. The education at home and in the schools and colleges must include this particular aspect in th syllabus so that the energy of the youth is properly utilized for the benefit of the society and the nation. We must come out of the selfish approach and should not think only of our caste and religion , but should be more concerned for the society and the nation. Here I am reminded of the recent  incident in Japan, where even after the evacuation, there were 200 people working at the site of the damaged nuclear reactor in order to save the other precious lives,despite the fact that they were aware that if they will survive, they will suffer from serious defects or will meet the ultimate end.This is a brilliant lesson of dedication and devotion that we must learn! Rather than getting rebellious and killing innocent people,we must save human lives.
Hence,the most appropriate tribute paid to the young man and the police officer would  be to stop the happenings of such incidents. In this media can play a very important role by not showing such things again and again because there are many people who get influenced by that.Also there are many good things  happening in the society and many people are helping others but they do not get that much space in the press or on TV as they deserve. If it is not taken care of, then every one will have the feeling that nothing is good and right in the country which is not the truth because there is so much good happening.
Let us sincerely search for the solution of the problems and do not let them re-occur because every problem has a solution within. 


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