Teacher`s role in individual child`s growth

In the ancient times the parents and the society considered the place of Guru higher than anybody else. Even the kings and other rulers used to respect the Acharyas and  teachers more than their ministers.In any meeting the guru was the last to enter, and all present in the meeting hall (durbar) will pay respect to him by standing at their places. A Great Poet and thinker compared teacher with God when he wrote his famous lines "Guru Govind --kisko lago panov" and the lines are self explanatory. There are many examples which prove that role of a teacher is the most significant in the life of a child. One inspiring incident that raised the status of a teacher, is that of a boy who sent an invitation to his old teacher on the occasion of his marriage. He wrote that the teacher would be sitting and performing all the rituals what his mother was supposed to do. The teacher tried to recall the person and after some serious deliberations she could recognise him and went back to the early days of her teaching when she used to teach in a primary school. She could recollect the whole incident of early years of the child and her initial observation and  interaction with the  grown up person ,who became a successful human being and was now getting married.She remembered that  he was promoted to the her class and she was his class teacher . She found him introvert, not properly dressed and not doing his work neither in the class nor at home.She tried to talk to the child but there was no response from his side. The teacher got worried and she thought of looking at his previous performance. What she found was an eye opener  for her because when this child was in class I his performance was reasonably good but in the last three years he had not been doing well rather was deteriorating every year. She did what other teachers could not do and tried to find the reasons and  explored that there were many problems in the family. The child was neither given any attention at home, nor teachers could identify any problem of the child. At this stage, the child felt ignored and no one around to take care of him, he became introvert. Comments (which were mostly negative) made him loose his confidence completely. This teacher played the role of a mother, the counsellor and that of the teacher. She encouraged him to do well and the child came out of the state of depression .  For him this teacher was no less than his own mother or God and that was the reason he made her to take place of his mother in his marriage ceremony.
This is one example cited here.There are innumerable cases in which an individual could change the life of his/her students in an incredible manner for the betterment of  the family as well as the society. Also you will find many examples where the negative attitude of a teacher played havoc with his students` life. It should be very well understood by all practicing and aspiring teachers that teaching is just not the profession for them, but should become the passion of giving the best of the education to their students. All need money but there cannot be bigger satisfaction than seeing your own students doing well in the life. Though the world has become materialistic but the teachers` role remains the same rather has become more imperative. Once somebody has taken up the responsibility as a teacher should perform it to the best of his/her ability. Though there are many challenges being faced by the teachers today, but that should not hamper their spirit of doing what they are supposed to do because if the teachers fail then nobody can help the nation.
To achieve the same status in the society what ancient teachers had teachers , the society has to play a prominent role in giving the due respect to deserving teachers. The last and the most important thing here is that, if an individual thinks 'oneself ' not capable of taking this responsibility of building the promising futures,  then better take up something else . rather than make bleak futures of the posterity .As it is better not to have a teacher than the one whose negativity hampers the growth of an innocent mind.   


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