Country- at crossroads

Dear Friends,
In the last few discussions, I focussed on teachers,parents and children/students particularly school going children.Recently one respected gentleman visited my office to explore  possibility if there was a place  for admission of a child in a particular class.Apart from this topic we discussed on other issues also and were of the opinion that the country is at crossroads and our young generation is deprived of "Good Ideals" that is why, at times they seem to be indifferent and not very clear in their approach.After a long discussion it was almost clear that if the youth is to be shown proper path for the progress of the nation then schools and colleges have to play major roles.The children will learn the lesson of life here only and they should be given teachings of moral values and their duties not only for themselves but also towards the society.If they learn the lesson of honesty now, then this country will be free of all corruption and other similar malpractices.After the discussion we were quite happy and excited but this was short lived excitement because the next person whom I met discussed about certain things happening in the schools which were not setting good examples for the society.I think it is known to many people that branded coaching institutes lure best of the students  in the name of preparing children for IIT. and the understanding is that students are not supposed to attend the school for two years and these institutes will `manage` that. People did not raise voice against it at the initial stage and the now rumour is that the children are enrolled in school which is in different city than the city where coaching center is being run and obviously the child attends the coaching centre and not the school. Some students have confessed this to their teachers also. Now this can not  be done without parents knowledge.I ask question to myself  in the race of achieving the goal of passing from an IIT and doing it dishonestly should we  expect honesty from them in future. This is just one question I have raised.
The most alarming statement given by the gentleman was that it is the belief of common people  nowadays that everything can be achieved and gained by approach( he meant siffarish) What can be done now?
.I suggest that let us help and motivate those people and institutions which are still trying to do things honestly and with transperancy.There are many people who think this way but unfortunately either do not get together or are afraid of after effects of doing things in proper way.
We all owe a lot to our motherland and let each one of us do a bit and bring  this country out of this state of confusion.My request and advise to all parents will be that they should not do anything which they otherwise critcize.This does not make any sense that we expect honesty from others but when needed  we get our work done by using unfair means.
I hope what has been shared by me will be taken in positive sense by all concerned and not personally as an individual or an institution.


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