Quality of teachers` training

This was very heartening to read that the school teachers , both, those who are teaching or intend to take up teaching as profession specially from classes 1st to 8th will have to appear in TET( Teachers`s eligibility test). It is a much needed step taken by NCTE and promptly enforced by the government.This will definitely improve skills of our teachers and in turn help our children understand things better. I have been sharing it with many people before also that an engineer is trained for four years and a doctor for five to seven years. The proper training of engineers and doctors is  important  but at the same time the teachers who contribute significantly in the personality development of children and make them worth becoming what they do in future life is also equally important.
Earlier the duration of B.Ed used to be one year which has now rightly been increased to two years. In my opinion it should be at least a three years course. Not only this there is also an urgent need of improving the standard of teachers` training colleges because the quality of teachers is very important and not only the number of people with B.Ed degrees. There have been recommendations from different education commissions for the betterment of quality of school education but some of them could not be implemented due to some reasons.
We are proud of our IITs ,IIMs and AIIMS and few more such institutions of higher education but I have been wondering about any teachers` training college which can be that proudly mentioned as IITs etc..Can we say that any candidate coming out from this B.Ed. college is equivalent in quality to a student coming out of IITs and AIIIMS? If not ,why? Should we have not paid more attention towards this important issue?
I do not mean to say that our teachers have not been doing well. In fact they are better than the teachers of many other countries. What I want to submit is that our young people possess an inherent quality of doing well and they did it well because they wanted to do so and not necessarily because of the training they got in many of the TTCs. TET is a welcome step taken in the right direction but at the same time the quality of teachers`s training institutes should also be looked into seriously and the course content be revised as per the need of the hour.
In addition to that infrastructure and facilities at school level should also be improved.When I talk of facilities, it does not mean  big and fancy buildings and costly gadgets and furniture but proper working and stress free environment for teachers as well students.Let there be freedom of experimentation and doing  the things as per local requirement. The teachers should be encouraged to attend as many workshops and seminars as possible. Testing teachers` efficiency is important but giving them opportunity and helping them to improve their efficiency is more important so that this eligibility certificate does not prove to be another degree or decorative piece of paper. 


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