Behavioural problems of children - Are they responsible?

Dear friends,
A few days ago I discussed about the importance of trust and faith between individuals, groups and the system. I also submitted my views about  how faith can be build or rebuild.Today I shall confine my thoughts to a child`s relationship  with parents and teachers.
Many of us proudly say that we used to respect and at times fear our parents and teachers and never argued with them even if things said or attributed to us were not agreed by us.My question is that was it the respect or the fear which made us to behave that way or something else.I think it was combination of both.And this was, perhaps, the result of faith and trust we had in our parents,teachers and the family.This trust and faith was developed because of the close relationship and frequent interaction with parents and other family members.We were fortunate to have got quality time also of our parents and not  only the materialistic things made available to us in lieu of their company.
In today`s time the parents are hard pressed to give time to their children, hence they try to compensate it with costly things like electronic gadgets etc.You must have noticed that many children are fond of video games and they love to play counter strike etc.In many games the rules are that if you  hit/kill more people or animals or destroy maximum property, you will score more points.Also the kind of toys available to the kids at tender age contribute towards this problem. I do not understand what good or positive the child would learn from it except violence and hatred.Not only this, there are number of TV channels where the actors take pride in using foul language and shout at each other and indulge in violent acts.This all is being done in the name of freedom of expression. Also the kids and teenagers are fond of cartoon films and TV channels.Till it was Tom and Jerry it was OK, but the other cartoons show violence and leave an everlasting impression on the raw minds of our children which is not very constructive.
At times these programmes are viewed by all members and parents can guide and advise children but in many a case the children watch these programmes alone  because in many families  TV , computers etc, are available in individual rooms..
I often think that if we are surrounded by machines what will we become?And the answer seems to be machine.
So my submission to all will be that let these electronic gadgets be our servants and not the masters.Let our children be in the company of human beings and grow naturally.This will take care of these behavioural problems of our children which they do not develop because of their faults but due to our ignorance.
Let us expose them to good poems and text books etc and not to these violent and negative games and TV serials..


  1. a fabulous article that correctly describes the current factors responsible for misbehaving attitude of today's children.Your article is very nice and we will try to implement your ideas in our life for betterment of the children.
    Yours faithfully,
    Poonam Agarwal


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