Fast development- Is it at a very high cost?

Dear friends,
I read an article based on the blog of Ms. Lavanya Shah who is the daughter of great poet and lyricist late Sh. Bharat Vyas Ji. She writes with a lot of passion and emotion about certain incidents related to film industry and many things about her father which are otherwise not known to other people.
She lives in USA and has been writing poems and articles and her experiences of life and she is considered to be a person who is full of emotions and that is so well reflected in her poems. I shall not be able to comment on her writings but one incident mentioned in the above stated article which I read made me to think that are we paying very high cost in the name of development and being called modern?
The incident narrated by her  is that one day she had gone to visit a park and there, from  a distance, she saw that a lady was carrying apparently a child and was quite happy doing that. When Ms. Lavanya went close to the lady she was surprised to find that this was not a young mother carrying a child in baby chair but was a very old woman who was carrying her old and sick husband in a wheel chair. While doing so she was almost falling but still smiling for the sake of her husband.
Ms. Lavanya must have thought of this situation and that is why she posted it on her blog.
I do not know what did she think but it moved  me to think and worry that, was it an isolated incident at a place in that country or is becoming very common now everywhere. The so called developed countries are facing more such problems.In the race and name of progress  we are  drifting away from our families and specially the elders.When our elders need us the most they are being  left to themselves. Old age homes are no substitute to the homes these respected elders  built  for themselves and the family with a lot of hard work.We must not blindly follow other countries and move away from our responsibilities in the name of  progress.Whatever may be our constraints, we must look after our elders when they need us the most.Some people may think me to be conservative in my approach, but this is a fact that we all shall also grow old one day and if at that time nobody is around us it will pain us which is so  much visible on the faces of old people in old age homes.
Another lesson which I learnt from this was that if we are happily married than at least two people will be able to share the joy and sorrows of the life at the fag end of their being on this planet. That lady was struggling with the wheel chair but still enjoying doing so as any mother will enjoy while carrying a new born baby. So we must understand that relationship of marriage is very pious and should be lived that way.
In the end, I would suggest that the fast pace progress or development which is mainly  materialistic and mechanical,  should not leave human relationship so much behind that we forget the word "HUMANITY."


  1. Very touching and a good lesson for the young generation.

  2. U r thoughts are always a good inspirations 4 youngisthan!!nice thoughts!


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