Advertisement-Effect on impressionable mind

How can electronic media and print media affect a cause or incident was very much proved by the hype the world cup semi final got on 30th March 2011. Almost all offices were closed before time and people,old or young glued to the TV sets.This has not happened for the first time because in our country most of the times emotions become very powerful and the same is exploited by the market driven forces. It is right that this was a very important match between the two arch rivals but this was just another match for both the teams. It has been reported in newspapers that the tickets were sold in black and the rent of hotels and air fare went up many folds.The whole nation got united for one cause and the cause was that Indian team was playing against the Pakistani team.Would it have been the same hype if it was some other team than Pakistan? Does it not prove how emotional Indian people are and how easily these emotions can be exploited? Many may not agree with this and that is perfectly all right.The impact of media is so well depicted in the case mentioned above.
The advertisements have become an integral part of the newspapers,magazines and electronic media.Many of the newspapers have, at times, more advertisement than the news.On TV also a lot of time has been given for advertisement slot.It was reported in the newspapers that the TV channel which was the official broadcaster of the ICC world cup 2011, hiked the rates of the advertisements almost 10 to 50 times.It is true that newspapers and the TV are very important tools to make other people(consumer) aware about the product so that those who need to purchase one, can do so. Also every one has a right to tell about the quality of the products known to the consumer. As it happened with almost everything the same was the case with ads . The initial idea or the basic reason was always good but later on it got distorted. We can not forget the war of words between two giants of soft drinks who hold maximum share in the market in that trade. The people got confused who was right and who was wrong.Initially advertisements were believed by the people like the news items in the newspapers, but in the last decade or so that belief is getting reduced. The reason is that in some cases the product shown/mentioned and its quality both are exaggerated so much that there is no similarity between what is showcased and the real product. Not only this ,some of the products are shown in a manner that people do not remember the quality of the products but the action of the models or the actors. In the name of creativity and innovation the visuals shown and the content are so negative and at times vulgar as well, that it can not be viewed along with the family members .
Let us take  few examples of the ads being aired nowadays. In one advertisement a girl child is sitting with other family members and probably it is dinner time. She has the chocolate bar of one particular brand and the elderly lady, may be her grandmother, asks about sweets. She looks at the girl who is having the bar  and wants that the girl should share the same with her. The girl says no  rather puts the bar in her mouth so that now, nobody asks her to share the same. The grandmother still asks for chocolate and the girl again says no and she does not share it with her grandmother. The other lady brings more pieces of the chocolates. Now the question is that will it not have a negative  impact on  young kids? Will they not learn that it is legitimate not to share the things with other family members? Will it not make them selfish in nature? The other example is of an ad of mobile phone in which two young men are talking of their female friend and discuss about certain clues regarding her. Many of the things are found similar and they are shown to be worried because they feel this is the same girl. Then at last, the colour of the mobile instrument is discussed which happens to be different and then both young men take a sigh of relief.What has been shown here is that you can deceive your male friends by changing the colours of the mobile.Is it a good lesson to be learnt by any one?
There are many such examples in which the women have been depicted in a negative manner which every body notices every day but no body raises a voice against them. Take the case of the accessories,soaps perfumes or other items in which women are not shown in a dignified way. It can be argued that ads are for the promotion of the products and not educating the people. True but the impact of the visuals and words can not be ignored which can have ever lasting impact on the mind of the people particularly the small kids. This is so evident in the behaviour of the children in daily life at homes and in the schools.
This is right that ads are an important way of commercializing a product and electronic and print media play most powerful and convenient way of doing that but ,impact of the contents used and the visuals should be taken care of.In the name of making the ads eye catching and creative, vulgarity should not be provided to readers and viewers.


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