Career Options- Allow child to make a choice

Dear friends,
We all are aware that the board examination of class XII are going on and these are considered to be very important for the future of the students. The performance of the students in these exams is one of the factors which  help them to choose a career in future, based on the college/university  and the course they study after class XII. Though there are number of options available to the students but it has been observed that we still force or motivate our children for the traditional choices only. This may be medicine, engineering or charted accountancy etc. In metros and bigger cities people are opting for not so popular courses also but the picture in smaller cities remain  almost the same what it was before.
For this, I think we as parents,   have to be more open to the new fields in which our children can perform better. If the child`s  interest is in photography or designing or creative writing or pure sciences or law or dramatics or paintings, and the list is quite long, why should  they not be motivated and allowed to pursue their career in that field. It is the digital age which means it is either zero or one. What I want to say here is that whatever we do, it should be the best even if it is some profession which otherwise was not very popular. I can cite many  real examples of my own students who were allowed by their parents to choose their own fields(child`s choice) and they are not only performing very well but also enjoying it. One example is of Mr. Varun Gupta who otherwise was an average student but very good at computers. Fortunately his parents and teachers motivated him and today he is doing extremely well in that field. Another example is of Mr. Rahul Bhandari whose parents initially wanted him to go for engineering but he stood on his grounds and pursued career of his own choice in law. He is enjoying his profession to the fullest.And then there is an example of Ms. Priyamvada Tiwari who was very good in Hindi and her teacher motivated her to pursue  higher studies in  that subject . She convinced her parents and now is doing extremely well in that field. Ms Anusha Mody is another child who got the support of her parents to do a course in interior designing in which she is doing so well. Then I have example of Mr.Rajender Rathore, Ms. Deepanjana Ghoshal and Mr.Gajender Singh who are doing very well in the field of Fine Arts . And again the list is never ending and I think it will take  days to mention the names of all those promising students. But unfortunately there are many children who were forced by the parents and in many a cases by relatives also,  to do something which they did not want to do and today, are not very happy with the choice which was forced on them.I would avoid naming them here.
What I want to reiterate here is that let the children be allowed to join a course of their choice and interest as it is the age of reforms.All this is happening at a global level and we cannot restrict the path of water but of course can give it a direction and let it take its own course. And if all this happens , I am sure and I can assure parents that our children will do very well in life.


  1. very true sir !! infact my personal experience says and confirms that if we choose our own career the journey becomes smooth and if we have support of our parents its icing on the cake!!at one point of time i had declined offers which were quite lucrative but today i m happy i declined because my personal growth would have been hindered
    Sir pls share this article with general mass since your voice hold importance in society


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