Tribute to the victms of Mother Nature`s fury

The pictures and videos of earthquake and tsunami hit Japan shown on TV channels were the most shocking of the recent past. Hundreds of the people have been declared dead and this number is only to rise. It was very difficult to believe what was being shown live on TV and later during the day in repeat telecast. We are  worried about the aftermath which  is going to be more disastrous than what appears to us now. The tragedy is that the country which is considered to be the best prepared for such disasters could not get any clue of the gravity of earthquake and after effects of that. As per the reports ,Tsunami warning could  provide only 12 minutes to the people to react and go to safer places. The cars ,planes and ships appeared to be floating as the paper boats made by the children. The world is shocked and can not do much but to save and provide best possible help to the affected brothers and sisters of Japan and that is what most of the countries are doing including India.
After we shall come to terms with this tragedy I know that there will be many conferences and serious meetings regarding how to react to such natural disasters. This is important to prepare ourselves for that but what I feel is that the all nations particularly the so called developed nations should concentrate on how to reduce the occurings of such tragedy as it may not be possible to stop it completely. The scientists, environmentalists and researchers should be extended full support to find the reasons of how much has been the contribution of man`s indiscrimate activities to such disasters. As a science student I understand that when we try to press something beyond elastic limit it breaks or get deshaped and does not look like what it was originally.What I feel is that reckless human activities are pressing the Mother Nature and reaching the elastic limit. As I have mentioned before also that development is important but that should have balance between human welfare and the nature. Whenever we try to act against nature the result is going to be as disasterous as we have observed.
I do not know how to react to this situation but, very strongly feel that the best tribute paid to the people who have lost their lives in such disasters is that we start respecting nature and do not disturb her in the name of development and progress.I do not understand the use of such progress if the people for whom we are doing it are not there to be benefitted by that.
We must remember what our father of nation said that there is enough in the nature for the need of the people of the world but very little for the greed.
In the end we pray to Almighty to give strength to the people of Japan to bear and come out of this tragedy. The entire world is by their side.


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