Respect all human beings

Dear friends,
What I am going to discuss with you is very important issue which affect every one of us every moment. Many books have been published on how to behave in a family and in an organisation so that the life of all is stress free and they enjoy being there.Be it Mr. Robin Sharma or Shiv Kheraji in all their writings have advocated of patience,tolerance and respect for others. You might have also noticed that the families where every one is given due respect is more satisfied and progressive. When I mention of progress, it does not include only the material gains but overall environment of the family. The same applies to any organisation also. Now the question arises why it does not happen so across the board? Answers can be many ,but the important is the values and traditions we have been exposed to. Also , at times it is the frustration of individuals which burst out all of a sudden and others bear the brunt . Also, if some body had lived a stressful childhood that would also contribute to that kind of behavior. I would like to cite an example here; There is day -cum -boarding school in a city in which the boarding facility has been provided for the children of the parents of surrounding area, who do not either  have access to quality schools or due to some personal reason they want their children to be in the hostel. Because the school hostel has both boys and girls,  hence the security guards and the housemasters are more attentive towards the safety of the children and that is why except parent nobody else is expected to come in the school without prior intimation.The security guards have been instructed accordingly by the school management. One day a respected and important person came to school at around 6.30 PM  without prior intimation and asked the guard to let him go inside The guard tried to contact the person concerned who would have given direction what was to be done.This took around 4-5 minutes and the respected man got angry as he took it as his insult .Meanwhile the head of the school came there and when was introduced to the respected person, he greeted him, but unfortunately, by that time the person was so much angry and furious that he started behaving not as a gentleman but some one who was very powerful. The head expressed sorry for what has happened, but at the same time conveyed to the gentleman that it was not the fault of the security guard because he was not able to recognize him and hence probably a mistake committed by him. The respected gentleman was so upset that he was not ready to listen to any reason whatsoever and directed the head of school that either terminate this man immediately or the face the music. The head of the school  till date has not been able to understand who is more educated : the respected gentleman or the security guard of the school .(who was insulted by the gentleman)
But at the same time there is another example ,where a Member of Parliament did not come to meet the head of the same school without fixing time of the meeting. And the way the MP conveyed her thoughts to the head , he will  remain grateful to her forever and will cherish the memory of the meeting with her. I think one person created a lot of stress to others(for no faults) and the other one made them to behave in a  better  manner and value other`s dignity. I am trying to understand the reason behind two different types of behavior of the two respected and important persons because both them have the tremendous responsibility of shaping the future of this country.
But a lesson learnt from this is, let us respect all human beings irrespective of their position or designation  because the society and the country needs both.
Two examples cited above are not to praise or criticize anyone but I, being always a learner, am trying to understand why does it happen so?   


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