Mobile and internet-master or servant

During the last 10 -15 years, the use of mobiles and the Internet is on rise and most of us feel that this is a great gift of the science to man. Today the life seems to be meaningless without mobiles and the Internet. When we remember the days of black handset of telephone and the way we used to wait for the trunk call to be connected to someone away from us, it appears to be a dream and not the reality. Nowadays you will find as many mobile handsets as the number of the people in the family, rather in some families  more than that. Be it an old person or the teenager, all are using the mobiles. The internet is another media which has made communication fast and easy through mails, twitter, face book, and many more social network sites. We feel great when  talking  to some one in other country or at a distant place, face to face.The communication through internet is much more fast than what  it was 10 years ago. Today a child of age 3-4 years can use mobile so easily that you get surprised.
Before we got mobile, the use of pager was considered quite useful, particularly for the doctors and other people working in large organisations. But introduction of mobile made pager almost obsolete and the same seems to be the fate to the land line phones in the near future.
Internet has proved to be Alaadin Kaa Chirag for every one because you can get all information at the click of a button. Now you do not need  to search for libraries and peep through the pages of the books to get any information because even the books can be read on Internet.You type any word in the search engine and you will be served with all possible information available. You type anything without any worry about the spellings because the Internet and the mobiles have the facility to check spellings and also have a dictionary.We all know the benefits and the importance of mobiles and Internet so well that I do not need to elaborate it further.
But  there is other side of the coin also which can not be over looked and we must pay proper attention to that side also. I remember an incident when a very learned professor came to the school and advocated that CBSE and other boards should allow the use of calculator in the board examinations .A discussion was held and most people thought that the use of calculator should not be allowed in the examination. The Professor had a logic that, when a tool is available why not to make use of it. The other side was of the opinion that if done so than the brain will get relaxed and its capacity  might get reduced. Anyway, the children are allowed to use calculators at home but not during the examination.  I am forced to remember the same incident today.The use of SMS and the emails is not helping children to learn and develop the beauty of language because many of us including children  are fond of SMS. In the name of making things easy, have we not made creativity to take the back seat?
The mobile has been misused so much that the government had to take a decision to ban the use of mobiles in the school. The negatives of the mobiles are often reported in the newspapers and on TV. The children spend a lot of time talking to their friends on mobile or sitting on computers for hours together.Due to this the people at a distance might have come close to us but those who are close are not paid any attention.It has been observed that when a child comes back from school he/she may not have any time to talk to the mother or grandmother but has plenty of time to talk to the so called friends or chat on Internet with someone  who is called a virtual friend. It is a well known fact that when we get something without making much efforts or if something is done for us by somebody else, we do not learn. We learn only when we  try it ourselves. We can take two  examples here, one in which the teacher or the parent solve  problems faced by the child and the second in which the teacher or the parent gives some hint and encourage the child to find the solution. You will agree that the child learns more in the second case and that learning will be long lasting also.My worry is:- Is the Internet making us all, particularly our children, so much dependent on it that our thinking and creativity is  reducing ? Are we not heading  to a situation where if we do not have calculator , mobile or access to internet, we will not be able to spell a word or do even simple calculations? Earlier people used to remember numbers so well but today if you loose your mobile instrument, you may not call even at your own home because the phone numbers are saved in mobile`s memory and not in your memory.
These are some of the problems but more alarming is the problem related to health which has been recently highlighted in the newspapers also.The health hazards are so alarming which make us frightened and very much worried. Use of mobiles for long hours may cause problems of the ear and the brain as well. The radiations around are attacking us  from all sides, all the time which will do no good to our health. Long sitting on computers are causing eye problems and the back problems to all youngsters who are too much exposed to the use of computes. We have started seeing the ill effects of mobiles and Internet hence it is high time that we make our young generation aware of the problems created by indiscriminate and over usage of these facilities.


  1. very true sir though i confess i myself is too dependent on internet and mobile phone


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