Teacher- expected to be a role model

Yesterday I had the opportunity to interact with large number of parents who got their children admitted in the school. They were the parents of the children of age group 3- 4years and I was trying to understand , why did they choose X school for the their child. Many of them were not very sure of the reason but all of them expect a lot from the teachers of the school and it was obvious that they had trust and faith in the teachers of this school.  Different issues including the important issue of parenting and difficulties of the young parents and problems faced by them ,were deliberated upon.
One important issue discussed was - what should be the right of age of sending a child for formal education? There were divergent views but by and large many felt that the children are being exposed to the  formal education too early. The reasons of doing so are many ,but one important reason cited was that it was  easy to get admission in lower classes which becomes very difficult in higher classes. So once you admit the child in the entry class you need not to worry about his school education in future. What they meant was that they are relieved of  one kind of the stress.
While discussing certain issues, I asked them about what they expect from a teacher for their child and all the good things were shared by them. It appeared, and rightly so, that nobody can shape the personality and future of  a child better than a teacher. We discussed how a child refuses to accept anything told to him/her contrary to what the teacher had told in the class. The children follow the teachers almost completely and religiously,  specially small children try even to copy them, like the way the teachers stand , walk and their way of speaking. We all were of the opinion that a teacher is almost everything for a child and hence it is rightly expected from him/her that she should play dual role ,that of teacher and a mother as well. When it is so then should we not have the best of brains as the teachers  so that our children get the best. Hence I asked a question to all present in the hall that how many of them would like their  children to become ateacher when he/she is to decide a career in future or how many of the parents ever wanted to become school teachers? And as expected not even a single hand was raised to accept either they would like their child to become a teacher or they ever wanted to become one. There are obvious reasons of such response but this is not a very happy situation. We all want best of the teachers for our children but do not want to be one.
The scenerio will change if the teachers get the same status in the society what they used to have in the past but for that both society and the teachers will have to  respect each other and also introspect for the change. There can be no happier moment for a teacher than seeing his/her student doing very well in life and this will be many times more rewarding than the so called "package" in any other profession. It is the teacher who is so lucky to live in the company of innocent mind who care for others and are the most honest ones.Let all teachers enjoy the company of the young kids and not to take teaching as a job only.They are the moulders and shapers of posterity.Parents and society can help in making things better by supporting those teachers who are trying their level best for the sake of their students.
I salute all the great teachers who contributed immensely in the growth of the country in their own modest way.  


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