The mother- first and the best teacher of a child

All are aware that 08th march is celebrated as international women`s day every year and so was the occasion yesterday.I also got an opportunity to be the part of such a function organised by some agencies. All the speakers were of the opinion that a woman can make all the difference in a family. And this is also true that family is building block(basic unit) of the society and society`s nature will largely depend upon the kind of the families we have. So, what we conclude is that role of women is of paramount importance and hence it is the responsibility of all that they are given due place and status which allows them to do the best for the family and ultimately for the society.I asked a question- Can we empower someone because of whom we have our existence?Women in our country have suffered due to some traditions followed over a period of time.There must have been some compulsive reasons because of which some customs were started.Now as the times have changed and the important role played by a woman is evident to all we need to change our mind set also.We have to give due respect to her as Mother, sister,daughter or in any other role which  she plays during her life.
In this the role as a mother is very important and it has been found that the family in which women are given the place they rightly deserve ,the children in those families grow healthier in all respect.It is the mother who teaches the child the lessons of life whether it is the patience. tolerance ,respect for elders or developing the confidence of a child.
In one of the annual day celebrations in our school  "Maa" was taken as a theme in which different roles  played by mother were enacted. In this play, teacher says that it is the mother who encourages the child in all situations.It is her teachings which shape the personality of the child. I shall write two dialogues in roman what the teacher says to a student "Bachman me hamm tutlakar bolte the agar maa hum par hans di hoti to saari srishti goongi rah gayi hoti. Ghootno- ghootno chalte the koi bari uplabdhi nahi thi  maa ne agar sahara nahi diya hota to hum kabhi khade nahi ho paate."
This is absolutely true and I am sure that the way women are coming up and showing their power in different fields we can expect better society in future. But the most important role to be played by her is that  of mother and thereby  giving the values to the children. I feel women are not only to be empowered but they  should be  given the respect they  deserve and than only we can expect our children do well .This will help the society to emerge as a society full of moral & ethical values.
With sincere regards to all the women including my mother. 


  1. In Quran importance of mother is described as mother have paradise under his feet. If you serve your mother and yo9ur mother will be happy you are lucky that you have earn paradise. Millions of book are published on what a mother is but seriously no one can define Mother is every thing for us because when you will loose your mother you will have nothing in your hand.

  2. Mother is Precious gift from Allah SWT. Serving parents the the best way to earn Jannah.


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