Mother- The best teacher

This is in continuation to my yesterday`s thoughts on mother and the role played by women in making this earth a better place to live.
I happened to read , in a newspaper,a letter written by a daughter to her father in which she asked  why was she called "beta" by him. She said why should she not be treated what she is. What she meant was that she is a girl and not the boy so her identity should not be changed. And this made me to think that nowadays in the name of being equal a sort of competition has started.Everybody feels I am no less than the other and in this race many a times we tend to forget our self and our identity.It is true that girls ,in our country have not been treated the way boys have been treated and perhaps that is the reason now people are trying to treat them as sons.What this girl is asking is that treat and respect me what I am. Do not make me somebody else and show your affection towards me that way.
As I mentioned earlier also that all individuals are important and they deserve to be treated with respect the way they are.Mother nature has given  strength and responsibility to all living beings.Daughters are as important as the sons are and no one can be treated as superior or inferior.Whenever we shall try to change our identity there may not be good results of that change.The nature has made us to perform certain responsibilities in our own capacities and let us do that.
It is true that girls are capable of doing any work assigned to them so well as boys but that does not mean they should change their identity.If there are problems in the society these are because  of this reason also that role of mother is not being given that importance as it used to be.It is important that women should be free of any restrictions and should be able to do any work she wants to do, but at the same time her role as a mother should not  be diluted. There will be no meaning of her being financially independent or otherwise if the children are deprived of their due they deserve whether the child is girl or a boy.Our daughters are very precious to us and let us allow them to remain  as daughters because without them we shall not be able to progress or even exist.
I hope my thoughts expressed above will be taken in a right spirit.


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